Friday, November 21, 2008
80042306 Volume Shadow Copy THE DECEPTION THAT NEVER WAS LOVE Deun
the grin on his face completely disappeared
And the wind was replaced by his absence ...
thousand knives dug into her broken heart to the degree of a powder. She loved him as rarely came to love. In fact never came to amarsea itself much as it did with him. I love him because he saw his own reflection, that person so beautiful roses or jasmine or first come to call, so the beautiful she is ... Wrong
was thinking that it reflects the fact he was, since it was different and hidden beneath the waves exist in the lake where everything seems calm, but the depthad for those who swim do not know, can be fatal.
happened before your eyes, your ears were hurt by the awful sound of pain that breaks hearts. The light in her eyes shut, and the grin on his face disappeared. His body was absent, his soul went flying in search of support that never come. In return, the wind was replaced by his absence, and automatically, the princess turned to stone.
pain is never something you want to feel, but it is inevitable and necessary. You do not want the pain to anyone, and now she knows that it should not even want to whom I have caused, it is so great that nobody felt enough taNo bastard to be worthy of such suffering.
The stone is broken, the iron oxidizes, the flowers fade, the music is silent ... But she did not. She remains strong because he can not not be strong. The storms that hit are parete it and have learned to live together in harmony. If there is pain, and of course it hurts, but the skies was sent to earth to show those who would have to encircle the whole can in this life and nothing, absolutely nothing can stop the will of a person convinced of being able to However, to suffer everything, and love everything. Because nothing is impossible and nothing is forever, life is a game you once played, you can not play again.
cards on the table, standing tall andsincerity above all ... Claudia
called today, is well placed heading, hoping to reach the final ...
A well tôt!
Atte. Army Clav
Saturday, November 8, 2008
South Park Streaming Fishsticks INNAMORERAI DI TI ME, SO WHAT:)
T'innamorerai 'll love
forse non di memaybe not my
starai ferma lì & nbsp; 're still there and succederà
da sè ... da sè ;; And it just ... just
Della libertà of freedom
Tuoi amici degli & amp; nbsp; of your friends you ne fregherai
not mind ; , & amp; nbsp; When
T'innamorerai ... & nbsp; You fall in love ... Vedrai
; , & nbsp;'ll see beautiful
Sarà da keeps
; It will be beautiful to see
eat a poster di James Dean & amp; nbsp; a poster of James Dean sarà dolce
the paura ; , &; Nbsp; be sweet i fear sganciandosi
blue jeans Taking off jeans big
come il mare sarà , & amp; nbsp; will be great as the sea eats
Dio sarà forte willstrong as a God
cousin sarà il vero amore will the first true love
Quello che non sono io , &; Nbsp; ; That is not me
& amp; nbsp; you fall in love with a bastard
di che a bastard who tell you
Bugie; ; , will tell lies
per portarti via da me ... & nbsp; To get away from me ... Chi
you difenderà , & nbsp; who you
defend dal buio della notte; From the darkness of the night
da questa vita che non dà ; ; of this life that does not
quel che promette & nbsp; what promises
T'innamorerai ; ;You'll love it so
& nbsp; know
certo non di me & nbsp; clearly not my
in Profondita in such depth che non sai di
avere you will not know
in te ... in te & nbsp; Sarai
control you tutti contro single & amp; nbsp; Will s alone against all perché io non ci
Sarò &; Nbsp; Because I will not be
Quando e lavi i piatti Piangi when you cry and wash
dishes and the vita says no , & nbsp; life and say no one ritard
di sei giorni a delay of six days
non sai che a lui Dirl you do not know whether to tell him avrai Voglia di pensarmi
, & amp; nbsp; you'll want to think about my
your che adesso non mi vuoi & nbsp; you now I want
T'innamorerai ... di me ; ; YOU MY LOVE ... ma non Sarò
io ... with you & amp; nbsp; BUT YOU WILL BE ...
T'innamorerai LOVE YOU
Quando sarà ormai Tardi ; , & nbsp; it is too late heaven
E il piangere ; , And the sky will cry
gli mancherà a stella ;; , will lack a star with
vai tua felicità ; , & nbsp; go with your happiness! Sei troppo bella
; , & amp; nbsp;'re too beautiful
AHHH you'll love me, I know ... Just hopefully not too late! YAAAA DATE, DATE ACCOUNT AND LOVE ME!
You know who you are! Many
Atte. Army Clav
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Anaemic More Condition_symptoms TECHNICAL STRATEGY
My tactic is to look like you're learning to love you as you are. My tactic is to talk and listen to build with words an indestructible bridge. My tactic is to stay in your memory I do not know how or what pretext but to stay in you. My tactic is to be honest and know that you're free and we do not sell drills so between the two has no curtain or depths. My strategy is rather more profound and more simple. My strategy is that one day I do not know how or what pretext finally need me.
Because Ive become in poetry
the only reason to get to your ears
need to let you know I need you with me.
Atte. Army Clav
Groin Injuries More Condition_symptoms I LOVE YOU
Your hands are my caress, my line everyday, I love you because your hands work for justice. If I love you is because you are my love, my accomplice, and everything. And in the streets side by side we are more than two. Your eyes are my spell against bad day, I love you for your eyes watching and seeding future. Your mouth is yours and mine, Your mouth is not wrong, I love you because your mouth knows shouting defiance. If I love you is because you are my love, my accomplice and everything. And in the streets side by side we are more than two. And your face sincere. And your step bum. And your cry for the world. Because people love you sos. And because love is not dawn, no moral candid, and because we partner who knows that it is not & aacute; alone. I want you in my paradise, that is, in my country, people live happily even without permission. If you want is that you are my love, my accomplice and everything. And in the streets side by side we are more than two. I LOVE YOU! -MOI?, OUI!
Bowwl Cancer More Condition_symptoms MOOD
Sometimes I feel like an eagle in the air. -Pablo Milanes Sometimes I feel like a poor hill and others such as mountain peaks. Sometimes I feel like a cliff and sometimes as a blue sky but distant. Sometimes one is between source rocks and sometimes a tree with the last leaves. But today I am just as sleepless lake with a jetty and boats without a green lagoon still and patient in accordance with their algae and mosses, fish, serene in my confidence in the hope that one evening you away and you look, you look to look at me.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
not think of any other way to yell again, the immense happiness that make me feel even when you're not with me.
mad I curse the love you got me thinking more than anything else, and we bless you because "something else" does not exist without you.
Nothing matters, the universe put you here so that I saw you, that I fell in love and perhaps to love you.
you dreams, I breathe, I see you live, and still is not enough, I have the world just to know espiandote litter there.
I want to be in touch with you in any way, because it is not the how or why, but nootherwise survive.
Every time I see you make me tremble, my heart beats like a metronome in a vivace prelude to 120, my hands cold as ice.
All this makes me feel in seconds, that and more and, still, there are very few words that we have now crossed.
Extranio, no? Normal people do not usually feel so by someone who barely know, that happens in books and stories.
People have forgotten common sense, but not me, not even you, because we are not normal, because we are of the few that are now together.
not miss the opportunity, I beg you, to see in me what you have searched much, you're here, just open your eyes and look at me! Only
realize the great love in your eyes wince, that anyou will cry your nose has come for you, and love me with all
so that I will love you with all I have and what I am, even with what I can and not be, so I can not have, tell me yes and the world, my world will be yours too.
you come to me when I was already dead when they no longer felt, when nothing had color
You came and painted all over again, you did play the music back into my
You made the flowers smile in the sun of the new day has come to awaken
The sea breeze and the sand again be beautiful because of your memories and your picture is painted in my head when I think
I am totally crazy! Mad love for you, crazy for you and for you
This love is worse than aAnios ninia of 15 is worse than the love of movies and novels
And all you did on your own, without help from anyone or anything ... damn you! Muero
be maniana and psad maniana and so long to see you again, dying to hear from you even when I just see that ugly Ahhh
is knowing that nothing I write you can read it also
Damn my shyness that let me tell you straight, my damn insecure for fear of what to do Some people tell me to be patient, others however, to be honest and tell you, but I DO? Maybe
prefer to live in your illusion rather than tell me no and walk away ... you do not want to leave yet! I portrays one crazy
increasingly, and increasingly feel this more and more fuerte inside me,,, Love
rescued from the waters are, because your name it is ...
I LOVE YOU !!!!!!
Atte. Crazy crazy dying of love for you!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Mulheres Que Engolem Esperma AND THE LIGHT CAME AFTER DARK
turns out that yesterday (6 September one) Those of Banda "Gladious" (the metal strips on my friends Victor and Jared) did a requiem in memory of a friend of theirs who died a few months ago: July, keyboardist . The event consisted of inviting Ensenada metal bands who had met in July, to participate in an event in the theater rocando its metal; merit Victor took it all went well thanks to him, as black labor to rent the theater and all that was, and so the event ctarting from 4pm to 10pm. Erstuve
I even handing out "flyers" Jared one day take my house, and I followed with huge going by my friends in the unit (actually only be in accordance with Stephy, since the rest were "see" .)
Late as always, but surely nso Stephy and I are in the center as about 5, the event had already begun but is that really the maniana Saturday was heavy, both had things to do and was a weekend very short, but quite fun;). Well, after we meet the aforementioned theater was already full, we arrived just in my favorite Nightwish song "The Beauty And The Beast" (sorry but I will have to crNotice haha, is that I find very difficult, indeed, consider that someone is good enough (a) to sing this type of genre, and do not say because I can not voice finfo "opera" but that phrases are extremely bad and noticeable, as it covers, you notice a lot more and have to ruin what the listener is expecting) but anyway ... Overall, I really liked the event and was very amusing, especially when my other friends arrived, especially David, * David inche, took the night.
I get drunk, and like going to jump in front, Neftali thing to what you said: It is inflatable! hahaha I laughed a lot, it was a fun night. As with everything
tokin, always comes the party ... So the party is harmonious ... and we wentsa the "Steps" a beach in Ensenada and see what happened there nomas ... JAJAJAJA DAVID, THE BEST!
Here all who participated ... in the middle is Victor, the head honcho lol
The Muppet companiero key and goes with her everywhere lol
The key and Vicioso Nefta hahaha (had much strees metalhead)
The Latino Beiba fire, Stephy, and Clav Nefta
Aww that nice! I adore this picture Stephy said that we were "nice" ... is not it? Let
comments jajaja
HereI'm with my Beiba, before all the bad hahaha
Here to Meni YYU this dude ... went to the movies once in the face of abraham jajaja, if he became jealous or not, as it valuable. ea ea ..
wooow, I love this photo! The rough Beiba so well on the tree of love hahaha
The David and I, well, metal jajaja
Oh yeah! Blessed among men Shika rude!
Here we are in the plashita, with the little things we were to take us haha
The 3 fantastic!
What about this? well crazy lol
The snake of the sea ...
Drink, dance, dreams, feel the wind has been done for you (8)
A good fart Davo shit ... rolling with laughter at the arena filled with more, popo jajaja, remember who here gave a fit of laughter, and we get scared because I was breathing with difficulty, the three of us reaction was to say in unison, but if ETA POSEEIIIIIIIIIDO viteh JAJAJAJA
This is very rare ... but fear !
The Nefta doing ... I hope o_O
Awww, how nice!
Come on, tell me yes! hahaja In fact is we were saying ... but we were sure of fools lol (because he has wet the back?)
Chin! Here and could not even stop! David hahaha serious
Here I am trying to pretend everything was fine! @ _ @
No doubt this was the best of the night, the David and did not leave the ground, if noted in the previous photos, you can see the decline, first came out no air dance-floor, then no Arguably, and what you had to drink loads, here was for others, the ground did not come out, and if not cheked the picture below:
or more full of sand? Stephy said that it seemed Spiderman, yyor say yes, because it seemed Arania fumigated, was rode that rode through the sand and steps are not able or climbing, Nefta he had to take the car. Jajajajajaja WAS THE BEST! here if we decoir POSEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDO viteh ETA!
Logically these things do not just quite right, I got a little serious (not like David) and even I was falling asleep while talking to me hahaha Nefta that funny, just so I want maniana either, for re- see and count all our releases and sober hahaha
lol I Love it
Atte. Army Clav
Friday, September 5, 2008
Flunitrazepan Clonazepam LOVE HATE THAT BECAME
What are you to me and who am I to you? If only you could give me that answer would be easier ...
do not hate you for being an ungrateful, do not hate you for being despicable, do not hate you for all the wrong I've done have killed me nor for the soul, do not hate you for having stolen my most precious treasure, do not hate you because you've poisoned me with your plots or hate you for hating me ... I hate you for being precisely the person who taught me to hate ....
Damn you, damn you a thousand times, that my hate and my vengeance upon thee fallforever.
"And so do not cry, my charm, cry later ... See what grief is crying so much that last long ...
"Well, crying is not eternal?
"Neither my girl, either ... I see ...
to the wise, FEW WORDS ...
Atte. Army Clav
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Throat Infections More Condition_symptoms TOUCHING THE MERITS OF SADNESS
And my soul is where this Who stole it me? One can not escape. Doomed to roam the vast dark, one can not escape ...
miss the come and hear your voice, I miss not having your support, nooo ...
need to finish what we started planning a day, what I want is to have you and not remember ...
And If fortune or chance, give us the opportunity to meet again I swear I will never hide what's inside of me, I will open my heart ...
I miss you, kiss, bye, cuidate!
immortal words of Claudia from the bottom of what remains of his heart ...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Auto Immune Disease More Condition_symptoms Sonatine
Sighs escape from her strawberry mouth, which has lost
laughter, which has lost its color.
The princess is pale gold in his chair;
is mute the sound of your key keyboard, and a glass
, forgotten, passes a flower.
The garden fills the triumph of the peacocks.
talkative, the owner says things banal and dressed in red
pirouettes the Fool.
The princess did not laugh, feel the princess, the princess pursues
sky OrienDragonfly vague
you a vague illusion. Will
perhaps the prince of Golconda or China,
or has stopped his carriage Argentina
to see their eyes light sweetness?
Or the king of the islands of fragrant roses,
or who is ruler of the Clean Diamonds,
or the proud owner of the pearls of Hormuz?
Alas, poor princess pink mouth
wants to swallow, wants to be a butterfly,
have light wings beneath the sky fly;
go in the sun for light scale lightning greet
Lilies to verses of May,
or lost in the wind on the thunderthe sea.
no longer wants the palace, or the wheel of silver, or the hawk
happy, or the jester scarlet unanimous
or swans on the lake of azure. And they are sad
flowers for the cut flower, jasmine
the East, nelumbo North West
dahlias and roses in the South. Poor
princess blue eyes!
is imprisoned in her gold, is imprisoned in her tulle,
marble in the cage of the royal palace;
superb guarding the palace guards, guarding
hundred negroes with his hundred halberds,
a hound that never sleeps and a colossal dragon.
Oh, who was leaving the cocoon Hypsipyle!
(The princess is sad, the princess is pale.)
Oh beloved vision gold, pink and ivory!
who flew to the land where there
a prince (princess is pale, the princess is sad),
brighter than the dawn, more beautiful than April!
"Hush, hush, princess," says the fairy godmother,
"on winged horse is headed down here,
sword in his belt and hand the goshawk,
the happy gentleman who adores you without seeing
and that comes from afar, the victor over death, to turn you
lips with his kiss of love ... "
Friday, June 6, 2008
Soap Recipe Rapideshare WANT TO BE ...
I be a tree, there always live long in one place without having to go to another because all you need and how a tree is always in place, a tree is a symbol of strength, wisdom, is inspiration of poets and scientists, too crazy, home is home and small interventricular animals, life-giving and faithful friend of humans.
I be a dog, a faithful friend, welcoming the love of all love is all and all, loved by those souls of the vernier you reach out to pat his back, immortalizing a moment of eternal love never forget the gratitude and living making others do not forget, be fierce when necessary without abusing the ego, relax in the shadeof a tree, lying on the ground, live free to go where you want to go, do what I please do not ask for forgiveness or permission.
I be a cat, always free, regardless of what happens around living my life because I love her so without anyone infiya without anyone's plan, without being handled, be neat, clean everything, and pequeninos go to the other if being criticized.
I would be a stone, do not fear the pain of any kind, be because it is because I wanted life, so what I plan, does not deny the stone, the stone feels, the stone does not suffer more than necessary, just not .
I would be a Dove and fly high, fly away, fly to live up to the sun, because the dove is a symbol of freedomtad, because the dove is a symbol of peace, world peace, peace with himself.
would be the wind, and be free to see, to know that there because you feel, get everywhere, even the narrowest of spaces, keep in touch with others without the others are in contact with me before free disturbing things wrong, so simple, delicate, blow hard when needed and take things on earth that should not be over there, take the next gold flying problems. I wish I
Rain, life-giving everything beautiful, and also a storm, strong and majestic ring, respected and feared by those who are below me, not to fear death but fear of respect, clean up dirty pain to clean, rinse dustoblivion, pourificar the soul of the trees, animals and humanity.
I would be the rainbow, a symbol of hope, be a beautiful thing, because hope does not die and if it dies, dies at last, be happy inspiration of songs, a re-import point victory over the darkness of the storm be just something beautiful to remember ...
I would be the music, and my melodies immortalize every moment, every feeling, pass on my knowledge, my wisdom and my perspective in a beautiful, be able to mourn with my harmonies, or make them laugh, to be something pretty THROUGH of music. Make you feel alive, you feel dead, remember that you live or die, but in this country and this life isTAS, that even if you have not left, you will, that you should enjoy everything, every feeling ... just live!
I would be so many things ...
And just know that all I am a ...
I would be, what I am now ...
Atte. Army Clav
Friday, May 9, 2008
Painful Ovulation More Condition_symptoms MY FAVORITE DEADLY SIN
The idea is great, but these images, even more ...
All works of art, its author: Marta Dahlig

here ... Van 6 and missing, is my favorite ... Guess what??
IRS, Claudia is the anger, pride, lust, greed, envy, laziness and gluttony sin ... Because every day with them ... Every day I have a hunger for learning things that are not yet and never quenched my desire to know, because in spite of my virtues, I envy in other people without making the slightest effort, life smiles they deserve by giving them gifts that do not, because I look for us pride day a day trying to get me nOtar in the world, leaving my legacy importantly, a deep impression, I am greedy when I want the whole world is just for me, I'm lazy to do better in this world, hoping only that the world does something to make me better, passionately desire my personal glory, I strongly do my suenios ...
But above all, Claudia is the anger, the courage to live in sin in order to get and reach my dreams, my ideals, my goals. That despite everything, I surrender, continuous and continuous until the Day of Judgement, when my body gets tired, yawn my life and my mind decay.
Only until then, stop sinning, meanwhile, will continue to sin, until you drop ...
Atte. ClavArmy
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Spinning Bikes For Sale London MY DEADLY SINS
Your Deadly Sins |
Sloth: 40% Wrath: 20% Envy: 0% Gluttony: 0% Greed : 0% Lust: 0% Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14% You will die from faulty botox injection. |
Ok ... What you think ... lol M osa, I AM A SAINT! JAJAJAJA
prueva Now you:
Atte. Army Clav
Mad Cow Disease More Condition_symptoms The Firebird
Perhaps most of you some time, even by mistake, you have probably heard mention etc on "The Firebird" but not know exactly what it refers.
a firebird, what is? Well, probably the first thing that comes to mind if they know little about mythology or have seen movies like "Harry Potter", imagine a phoenix, to which it is attributed healing powers and benefactors in related spells white magic. ..
Yes, the Fenix met with the descriptions of "Bird of Fire" even so the "Fire" but this time not come to define a Phoenix, if not to speak of the mythical and famous "Firebird" It turns out that
composer of contemporary music very fMasters of Russian named Igor Stravinsky, is from one of his most famous one called "The Firebird" which is based on an old Russian legend of a prince named Ivan and his eagerness to catch the Firebird. Remember a little
topics for musical compositions and ballets by contemporary musicians such as Stravinsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and Dmitri Shostakovich, was very common based on their land legends, fables and other tales and fantasies.
Well, here is the complete legend of "The Firebird." I hope you enjoy the reading, learning a bit of Russian folklore, and above all interested in hearing this wonderful work of Stravinsky if you have not ever heard, if they have already heard and knew that was not based on lRussian eyenda that the vuelvana listen and analyze, understand and imagine, proyecetn in mind the history and music, MAKE A MOVIE!
And if any of you hear it and you know the legend, as they do it again, YOU CAN NOT DENY, AND WORSHIP DEAR READER, WHICH IS A WONDERFUL WORK OF ART WORTH OVER AND OVER ENJOY:)
Disfrutren the legend and hear Stravinsky's work;)
The story of The Firebird
Catch the Firebird, Prince Ivan looked at night near the tree of golden apples . The beautiful bird appears and hovers near the tree while the prince waiting and lurking. Finally, Ivan captures the bird dand fire, which asks for mercy. The prince is moved, gives freedom and the mythical creature gives him a magic feather.
Ivan and the Firebird (by Ivan Bilibin, 1899)
The thirteen enchanted princesses come to the golden apple tree without seeing Ivan, who spends contemplating her loveliness unnoticed. The princesses play with the golden fruit as the prince falls in love with one of them. Ivan comes out of hiding to the surprise of the princess and asks her chosen that approach, after which begins a dance of love.
princesses suddenly stirred, say goodbye and go abruptly, as it is aboutdawn. Ivan stands alone and are the guardians of Kaschei monsters who capture him. Comes the evil demigod and death sentence to Prince Ivan, despite the pleas of the princesses.
Kaschei, the immortal (by Ivan Bilibin, 1901)
Ivan recalls the magic pen that has in its possession, the draw and the Firebird appears. The mythical flying creature enchants Kaschei guards and wrapped in a hellish dance that ends in defeat. The bird sings a lullaby to all but Ivan are overcome by sleep, including Kaschei, who awakens after a momentum. The Firebird gives the prince the steel box that contains the egg with the soul of the evil demigod. The prince takes the egg and destroys it, which kills the Kaschei.
Kaschei spells disappear: the twelve knights back to life petrified and thirteen maidens remain free from the curse. Sunrise, joy invades all and, finally, Ivan and his princess can be happy.
Atte. Army
ClavWednesday, May 7, 2008
not lived in a crystal palace, nor had knit dresses with silver, but I loved getting shocked by the smell of orange blossoms of the old courtyard.
His greatest treasure was a jar of clay.
The coming and going to a nearby well, fill it with water and smile at the children playing around, he kept busy in mmañanas. In the evening, ring loose, disjointed and dreams.
That princess does not dream?
No princes princesses blue for no palaces, those of these are in yellow,dusty, fresh from the story, or even trying to enter. Nor fairies or stepmothers, or dragons, little more than imaginary goblins, severe maternal and cockroaches.
does not matter anymore.
The princess, as absent when he sings, as absent when he laughs, just dreams. And a rainy day, feet slipping in pitcher falls, breaks down. The princess falls asleep suddenly, without warning, without time to start dreaming.
Now, everything starts to matter, because there is the kiss princes, or the lovely fairies or dragons that custodien, only poor people who weep over the pitcher that his little feet ...
Atte. Army Clav
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Fungal Infections More Condition_symptoms MY FIRST TIME
Some see the moon suddenly acercarceles ...
hear the dialogue between the cricket and ant
Smell the condensed water out of the atomesfera
fingers feel the slight wind playing to touch their skin ....
All that I do not know, but I will never forget my first time will be the green dragon that uses everything that sticks ... Fredy
Krugger clone and his basket of candy with your compaaa, compraaa ... that strange color of the sea, the taste of tea that was taking, thisfani by my side and green apple, Archimedes style The laughter, the happiness that seemed interminable
and the horrible feeling of sand between your toes ... Ahhh ....
and remember: Not all that glitters is gold O_o ... JAJAJAJA
Atte. Army Clav
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Myammee Wears A Weave Or A Wig Y. ..
If you want to drink, come here, your on my
you said in low voice ... I LOVE YOU
as I have not ever, nungun
with another, take a second
Y. ..
if you need me, and I find a suenio
Buscame ... I LOVE YOU
your pied not
anything you do not mind if you do not hear ...
Y. ..
're like a flower for my perfume
you something ... I reacuerda Ble ... I'm faithful
never perhaps know ...
Y. ..
When I feel, your pleasure slow moving
I have a feeling
Every time your heart is beating with mine
after the sun rises ...
Y. ..
I have a memory that speaks to you
everything dies, pero your ma
you're beautiful and if I have
bite a strawberry, it's as if you bite you
Y. ..
're like a flower for my
and perfume that you remind me of something ..
Ble ... I'm faithful
Atte. Clav. Army
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Alberta Insurance License STELLA MORENTE SHY
Ancora, qua, non c'è più tempo libero ... Sono uscita per uscire gli amici with, and something è successo? Nulla ...
A loro piace giocare, e vi dico che thing to me right?
seeded davvero strano che vi i giochi non mi Atonement? E perch, e allora, non succeded are non gioco nulla, vero? ALLORO HANGER! Seeded strano perché vi.
Faccio Quello che posso tutto, Lascia to cui vuole giocare giocare, e ancora non Riesco fare felice a nessuno, per che, secondo loro, e tutto soppra Abraham ... Quando Devo ancora giocare i giochi non mi Atonement, perché only posso sapere che così davvero fargli Vostro nefrega me ... and anything amicizia è l'amiciziaa? ... Semplice: Se non voglio giocare: NON GIOCO, E BASTA. Non dovrebbe avere
semper a Non semper spiegazione ... ...
Quello che li ho detto ieri, the stesso, hatred or are non Chev non nefrega him to nessuno, neanche allo stesso Abraham, Quando lui è ancora il suo miglior amico, NON LE NEFREGA, and non Riesco as per trovare a dirgli che in nessun senso ... in nessuno! Daro a one spiegazione
People spiegare fa la cortesia di ogni volta che qualcuno hate??
Al meno per me, non ho ancora trovato nessuno cosi. Ogni volta che qualcuno un'altro hate ... Just odiato sapere che è, e basta. Soltanto gli amici, e voglio dire che vogliono fare semper a favor, Posson dare soltanto a consiglio, E BASTA. ma non è ne problemssun altro di ... di provare qualcosa! Siamo
fidanzati? Mah
yeah! ci siamo, e poi? Non simply Quello, è ogni different person, and you sew ogn'uno fa come vuole. Ma siamo fidanzati? Allora, i fidanzati facicono anche delle cose diverse, ed e per Quello che vogliono bene if not? Allora, qual è il problem? Sono molto felice
with Abraham, Roberto Quando ancora di me says no, io di thought if ... LO AMO (Abraham, certamente) and so what, so what veramente, noi siamo brutally fun, and if, ogni volta essistono dei problemi perche, come persone diverse, diverse Abijam soluzione. Perché lui non Capisce? Perche is dico di no, non il ACCET not a asoluta risposta, perché semper has bisogno of, e voi che sapete già non essiste a per spiegazione orgni
Anche chi non ci sono accetano one or not if as asoluta risposta e Quello di essepre seeded first problem fra noi il ...
comunque, c'è abbastanza amore =)
E qualche volta anche Arrabbiata, semper pioggia dopo the scene ... il Sole;)
davveo che sono pazza HAHAHAHA ~!
Amarti pazzia è vera! comunque, Ti amo bene!
Saluti a tutti = P
Atte. Army Clav