Friday, May 9, 2008

Painful Ovulation More Condition_symptoms MY FAVORITE DEADLY SIN

Whatever they say, we all make at least once in our lives, some of them ... Some one sin over another but in the end ... Written with pink ink tears of a minstrel, in the books of the time, on the pages of mourn is a curse: only God can forgive these sins ...
The idea is great, but these images, even more ...
All works of art, its author: Marta Dahlig


here ... Van 6 and missing, is my favorite ... Guess what??


IRS, Claudia is the anger, pride, lust, greed, envy, laziness and gluttony sin ... Because every day with them ... Every day I have a hunger for learning things that are not yet and never quenched my desire to know, because in spite of my virtues, I envy in other people without making the slightest effort, life smiles they deserve by giving them gifts that do not, because I look for us pride day a day trying to get me nOtar in the world, leaving my legacy importantly, a deep impression, I am greedy when I want the whole world is just for me, I'm lazy to do better in this world, hoping only that the world does something to make me better, passionately desire my personal glory, I strongly do my suenios ...

But above all, Claudia is the anger, the courage to live in sin in order to get and reach my dreams, my ideals, my goals. That despite everything, I surrender, continuous and continuous until the Day of Judgement, when my body gets tired, yawn my life and my mind decay.

Only until then, stop sinning, meanwhile, will continue to sin, until you drop ...

Atte. ClavArmy

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Spinning Bikes For Sale London MY DEADLY SINS

Your Deadly Sins
Pride: 40%

Sloth: 40%

Wrath: 20%

Envy: 0%

Gluttony: 0% Greed


0% Lust: 0% Chance You'll

Go to Hell: 14% You will die

from faulty botox injection.

Ok ... What you think ... lol M osa, I AM A SAINT! JAJAJAJA

prueva Now you:

Atte. Army Clav

Mad Cow Disease More Condition_symptoms The Firebird

Dear Readers:

Perhaps most of you some time, even by mistake, you have probably heard mention etc on "The Firebird" but not know exactly what it refers.
a firebird, what is? Well, probably the first thing that comes to mind if they know little about mythology or have seen movies like "Harry Potter", imagine a phoenix, to which it is attributed healing powers and benefactors in related spells white magic. ..
Yes, the Fenix met with the descriptions of "Bird of Fire" even so the "Fire" but this time not come to define a Phoenix, if not to speak of the mythical and famous "Firebird" It turns out that

composer of contemporary music very fMasters of Russian named Igor Stravinsky, is from one of his most famous one called "The Firebird" which is based on an old Russian legend of a prince named Ivan and his eagerness to catch the Firebird. Remember a little
topics for musical compositions and ballets by contemporary musicians such as Stravinsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and Dmitri Shostakovich, was very common based on their land legends, fables and other tales and fantasies.
Well, here is the complete legend of "The Firebird." I hope you enjoy the reading, learning a bit of Russian folklore, and above all interested in hearing this wonderful work of Stravinsky if you have not ever heard, if they have already heard and knew that was not based on lRussian eyenda that the vuelvana listen and analyze, understand and imagine, proyecetn in mind the history and music, MAKE A MOVIE!
And if any of you hear it and you know the legend, as they do it again, YOU CAN NOT DENY, AND WORSHIP DEAR READER, WHICH IS A WONDERFUL WORK OF ART WORTH OVER AND OVER ENJOY:)

Disfrutren the legend and hear Stravinsky's work;)

The story of The Firebird

Catch the Firebird, Prince Ivan looked at night near the tree of golden apples . The beautiful bird appears and hovers near the tree while the prince waiting and lurking. Finally, Ivan captures the bird dand fire, which asks for mercy. The prince is moved, gives freedom and the mythical creature gives him a magic feather.

Ivan and the Firebird (by Ivan Bilibin, 1899)

The thirteen enchanted princesses come to the golden apple tree without seeing Ivan, who spends contemplating her loveliness unnoticed. The princesses play with the golden fruit as the prince falls in love with one of them. Ivan comes out of hiding to the surprise of the princess and asks her chosen that approach, after which begins a dance of love.

princesses suddenly stirred, say goodbye and go abruptly, as it is aboutdawn. Ivan stands alone and are the guardians of Kaschei monsters who capture him. Comes the evil demigod and death sentence to Prince Ivan, despite the pleas of the princesses.

Kaschei, the immortal (by Ivan Bilibin, 1901)

Ivan recalls the magic pen that has in its possession, the draw and the Firebird appears. The mythical flying creature enchants Kaschei guards and wrapped in a hellish dance that ends in defeat. The bird sings a lullaby to all but Ivan are overcome by sleep, including Kaschei, who awakens after a momentum. The Firebird gives the prince the steel box that contains the egg with the soul of the evil demigod. The prince takes the egg and destroys it, which kills the Kaschei.

Kaschei spells disappear: the twelve knights back to life petrified and thirteen maidens remain free from the curse. Sunrise, joy invades all and, finally, Ivan and his princess can be happy.

Atte. Army


Wednesday, May 7, 2008


There once was a princess of tiny feet.
not lived in a crystal palace, nor had knit dresses with silver, but I loved getting shocked by the smell of orange blossoms of the old courtyard.

His greatest treasure was a jar of clay.
The coming and going to a nearby well, fill it with water and smile at the children playing around, he kept busy in mmañanas. In the evening, ring loose, disjointed and dreams.

That princess does not dream?

No princes princesses blue for no palaces, those of these are in yellow,dusty, fresh from the story, or even trying to enter. Nor fairies or stepmothers, or dragons, little more than imaginary goblins, severe maternal and cockroaches.

does not matter anymore.

The princess, as absent when he sings, as absent when he laughs, just dreams. And a rainy day, feet slipping in pitcher falls, breaks down. The princess falls asleep suddenly, without warning, without time to start dreaming.

Now, everything starts to matter, because there is the kiss princes, or the lovely fairies or dragons that custodien, only poor people who weep over the pitcher that his little feet ...




Atte. Army Clav