turns out that yesterday (6 September one) Those of Banda "Gladious" (the metal strips on my friends Victor and Jared) did a requiem in memory of a friend of theirs who died a few months ago: July, keyboardist . The event consisted of inviting Ensenada metal bands who had met in July, to participate in an event in the theater rocando its metal; merit Victor took it all went well thanks to him, as black labor to rent the theater and all that was, and so the event ctarting from 4pm to 10pm. Erstuve
I even handing out "flyers" Jared one day take my house, and I followed with huge going by my friends in the unit (actually only be in accordance with Stephy, since the rest were "see" .)
Late as always, but surely nso Stephy and I are in the center as about 5, the event had already begun but is that really the maniana Saturday was heavy, both had things to do and was a weekend very short, but quite fun;). Well, after we meet the aforementioned theater was already full, we arrived just in my favorite Nightwish song "The Beauty And The Beast" (sorry but I will have to crNotice haha, is that I find very difficult, indeed, consider that someone is good enough (a) to sing this type of genre, and do not say because I can not voice finfo "opera" but that phrases are extremely bad and noticeable, as it covers, you notice a lot more and have to ruin what the listener is expecting) but anyway ... Overall, I really liked the event and was very amusing, especially when my other friends arrived, especially David, * David inche, took the night.
I get drunk, and like going to jump in front, Neftali thing to what you said: It is inflatable! hahaha I laughed a lot, it was a fun night. As with everything
tokin, always comes the party ... So the party is harmonious ... and we wentsa the "Steps" a beach in Ensenada and see what happened there nomas ... JAJAJAJA DAVID, THE BEST!
Here all who participated ... in the middle is Victor, the head honcho lol
The Muppet companiero key and goes with her everywhere lol
The key and Vicioso Nefta hahaha (had much strees metalhead)
The Latino Beiba fire, Stephy, and Clav Nefta
Aww that nice! I adore this picture Stephy said that we were "nice" ... is not it? Let
comments jajaja
HereI'm with my Beiba, before all the bad hahaha
Here to Meni YYU this dude ... went to the movies once in the face of abraham jajaja, if he became jealous or not, as it valuable. ea ea ..
wooow, I love this photo! The rough Beiba so well on the tree of love hahaha
The David and I, well, metal jajaja
Oh yeah! Blessed among men Shika rude!
Here we are in the plashita, with the little things we were to take us haha
The 3 fantastic!
What about this? well crazy lol
The snake of the sea ...
Drink, dance, dreams, feel the wind has been done for you (8)
A good fart Davo shit ... rolling with laughter at the arena filled with more, popo jajaja, remember who here gave a fit of laughter, and we get scared because I was breathing with difficulty, the three of us reaction was to say in unison, but if ETA POSEEIIIIIIIIIDO viteh JAJAJAJA
This is very rare ... but fear !
The Nefta doing ... I hope o_O
Awww, how nice!
Come on, tell me yes! hahaja In fact is we were saying ... but we were sure of fools lol (because he has wet the back?)
Chin! Here and could not even stop! David hahaha serious
Here I am trying to pretend everything was fine! @ _ @
No doubt this was the best of the night, the David and did not leave the ground, if noted in the previous photos, you can see the decline, first came out no air dance-floor, then no Arguably, and what you had to drink loads, here was for others, the ground did not come out, and if not cheked the picture below:
or more full of sand? Stephy said that it seemed Spiderman, yyor say yes, because it seemed Arania fumigated, was rode that rode through the sand and steps are not able or climbing, Nefta he had to take the car. Jajajajajaja WAS THE BEST! here if we decoir POSEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDO viteh ETA!
Logically these things do not just quite right, I got a little serious (not like David) and even I was falling asleep while talking to me hahaha Nefta that funny, just so I want maniana either, for re- see and count all our releases and sober hahaha
lol I Love it
Atte. Army Clav