Fandom: : Johnny's Entertainment
Pairing : TomaPi
Summary: An enigmatic bartender, a down-on-his-luck salary man and a tale of a lost Johnny.
Wordcount: 3423
Notes: remix of Lemon Slices by
'You know, I am a bartender after all. "Salary man
The historical Took Off His glass eyes for a second-it wasn't going anywhere-and stared at the smiling bartender.
'So? "
' So you can, you know, tell me your problems. That's why bartenders are in. the world. "
The salary man snorted and Went back to the very interesting historical bottom of glass.
'My Problems Are none of your business. Además, It'll Be useless. "
'What? Do you watch movies? Talking to bartenders is Better and Cheaper Than therapists, you know? We are the makers of epiphanies! The keepers of secrets! "
'Do you have a martyr complex?"
' No. '
' A death wish? "
The bartender Shrugged. Maybe working in a seedy bar Such historical show suicidal tendencies did, But His cheery attitude wasn't fake. His work and I loved all the quirky types I ended up meeting.
'No, not Particularly. "
' Then why are you pestering me?"
'Because you've been drooling on my counter for five hours and we should've closed already. Usually That Means That You want to talk, you know? & Rsquoo;
In order to drive home His point, I wiped the counter for the Thirteenth time in the last fifteen minutes.
'Ha How do you know That, oh so wise bartender? "
'Fifteen years of dealing with drunken businessmen, Obviously. There's nothing I have not seen or Heard. "
'You think?" The drunk Pointe a trembling finger at the bartender and Said,' I Could tell you a story that ... that ... like you ' Heard never seen before. "
'I Doubt it." Answer the bartender, losing none of His cold liveliness.
'Seriously! My problems. Oh, my problems. The world hates me. The whole world hates me and I'ma useless old guy who'd Be Better Off Dead. "
'Then tell me."
' It's none of your business. "
' Then the story Was not That Good. "
'It is, but I'm not talking. Talking is for the weak. "
'What if we make a deal?"
The client's eyes sparkle.
'A deal? "
' A game, if you want."
'Hm. Sounds good. I really like games. "
Patrons held no secrets for an Experienced bartender held secrets for gamblers and nobody at all.
"I'll tell you a story and if yours is Worse, Then You'll drink for free for a week. Deal? "
The bartender cleared His throat and filled the customer's glass Before finally starting. He spoke loud, Even if the establishment WAS lonely and empty.
'Well, once upon a time, on a night unlikable Not this one, a man stopped by this bar. Dishevelled, a broken umbrella, Already Completely soaked and drunk. You Should Have seen him! I've Looked looks nothing like on TV, you know? All skinny and sad and tired. I Looked really tired. "
'On TV?'
'Oh, He Was One of These ... Johnny. The idols. Which I can not tell you one, Obviously. "
" Do not know much about Them, really. "
'Good. So I Sits down and ASKs for a drink. One glass of vodka and Some lemon slices. Then I started to do the oddest thing. He'd pick out all the seeds of the lemon slice Before drinking. Back then I Was Young and a little insensitive, you know? Due to inexperience and all. So I stared at him while I did it. I notice, Smiled and said:
I Picked up the habit from a friend .... Yeah, a friend ...
Then I Fell silent, Until Something kicked in and I started to actExtremely stiffly in a joyful way.
So, bartender, give me Another glass! I want to see this room spinning in no time! Good old nice booze, friend to all the desperate people of the world.
I Had a very fake smile on, you know? Noticed I've Kept glancing at His cell, all the time, so I kindly Asked him if I WAS waiting for a call.
'm waiting for a call, yes. But I'm Hoping They Will not call ... Or maybe it'd Be Better if I did, just to end this whole farce.
inexperience and all, I always Had a talent for listening. People just want to talk to me, you know? " The salary man
snorted Once More (and he'd snort A Fewmore times Before the story ended).
'Sure They Do. That's why I'm doing all the talking. "
"Do not interrupt. Let me continue my story. It'sa really interesting one, I promise.
So I starts to laugh, really bitterly. Made me kinda uncomfortable, in a way. Such a happy person I'm That Kind Of That laugh really unsettles me and back Then It Was Even Worse. Now I'm Used To It.
And Then, Before you know it, I have His heart starts pouring out, all over my counter. "
'What? I throw up? " The bartender
His eyes rolled.
'No, I Talk About His Life .... You'd think an idol Would Be Happy, But this guy Hated His Life. I didn & a
I got my first confession due to this. But maybe I shouldn't have. There Should not Have Gone events in the first place. It Was a fork in my path, That one moment in a very Decisive Decisive time. But I Was young and foolish. Idiotic and Lacking the precious gift of hindsight. Would I Should've Known life fuck me over again. I'm life's boytoy and it sucks, you know? It fucking sucks. I pride myself in Being strong But hell, everybody has a limit.
So I did not get to debut and never will. Tough luck. I made my own way, no hand-outs, no crazy promotions, nobody to Rely on. Did I care? No, I did not, I just jump up Had Happened on like nothing, like I did not feel anythingLooked Nino ... Nino events I Had Been Picked angry. I Thought It Was stupid Back then and I still think so. Meanwhile, I think the floor Suddenly I Was Gave in and left with no footing in a world so much That Was Different Now. I Was Alone and scared and overreacting. If you saw
Them Back then, you'd never guess they'd Be so close now. Half of them'd Rather Have Been anywhere else in the world But Went There But Hawaii anyway. Inertia, I guess. JE works by inertia.
You Get Used To It. Wake up early, drink a lot, smoke, think about food with fondness and that's it. It's hard to break the habit. Maybe I should've. Maybe I should've left a long time ago, But it's useless now. '
' Tell me about it! I Could tell you a thing or two about ... '
' It's my turn now, so shut up. You'll get your chance to tell your story, so please.
But maybe the whole world works by inertia. Maybe you and me and That sad-looking salary man Are All in the Same boat. The boat of the painfully, chronically bored, the ones That will never start a mutiny.
I work harder and harder after That. Seeing Them in TV, the PVs, the singles just made me angrier myself so I Told Them I Could top, I Could Be Even Better. 4TOPS Happened ... When I Thought We'd Be Able to make it together. We Were Another force of nature, Stronger Than A storm events. This time around, I'dmanage it!
slowly drinking
He Was Himself to numbness, I Could Tell. I drank and drank and I think talking Did not help, Just Because It Reminded him of the Things He Was Exactly tying to numb.
It Was Harder Than raining tonight When I found out about NEWS. Pour Me Another drink, please.
Pi's Message was so weird That Night. Like tonight's Actually. Very short and awkward and Pi's never awkward. He's always flawless, the perfect prince That just stepped out of a dream.
I WAS wearing glasses at night and so unlikable Being Himself! Jin events Thought I Had Died and Another Things Equally ridiculous. That's still my number one suspicion Wheneverhe's weird. I just kill a common friend in my imagination And Suddenly Any Other That Might Arise problem looks silly by comparison. I guess I shouldn't Have overused like I did, Because this time it did not work. Jin's death sounds banal Compared to what I'm going to Have to Overcome this time around. So historical've Arrived at home and he's still Being an alien in the form of Pi. I ACTED like a fool the whole time, if I remember Correctly.
So we start goofing around and getting drunk. He's still Avoiding the subject and just when i think I'm safe, the bastard confessed and kisses me and I'm like-
The salary man in His seat, almost Had I woke up like.
'Wait. They kissed?! "
'Yeah, so? "
'Well, it's weird.' He Said, Without meeting the bartender's eyes.
'Do you have more insightful comments to offer or Should I continue with the story? "
'Continue, continue. My daughter's gonna flip out when to she ... '
' Shut.
Up Or Does your daughter want to know What Happened Afterwards?
I Was So ... It Was so weird! My best friend. Who is not a girl ... kissing me.
My best friend. I guess I still is, after all, I still is. But Back Then, Back Then It Was weird and alluring at the Same Time. I mean, the kiss was really awkward But It Was Also Had the best one I ever had. It Was Just a little soft and moist and I'm Probably creeping you out, I know. But I can not believe I will not kiss him anymore. I guess it can not Be helper. Everything ends and the Prettiest spring events will turn Into winter with enough time and enough mistakes.
I mean, Even Back then I Knew We'd Be In Different groups from then on. Different lives. How do you keep a Relationship Like That alive when to ...? Fuck me if I know. So many years and I Still Do not fucking know.
I guess I can not blame him if He Wants to end it. It's Dangerous But if I WAS going to chicken out I should've Warned me. Could it ruin Our careers, I guess, But It's not like i have much of a career. It's not my fault His band mates Turned out to Be scandalous idiots and now he's scared That Might people find out.
By the way, You're Not supposed to tell anybody about all this. It'sa secret romance! A torrid affair Meant to Be Kept out of the press. That little bit of danger That Makes life interesting. Maybe Pi is tired of danger ...
I Told him bartenders That Abide by an unspoken code of Confidentiality, as it's known. "
'You're telling me the story ...'
'It's not like anybody is going to believe you.
A bartender told me!
Yeah, like that & rsquo; s credible. And Now That we've
ESTABLISHED by No Means That I'm breaching my profession's unwritten Laws, let us continue.
But if I have is, why does Then I act so weird around Bakanishi? I do not to be too wary But they're together all the time, Lately. I think Jin Sees more of him Than I do. And that's just wrong. I should've Expected
it, I know, Because that's how it works for me. I'm going to survive, Obviously, pero coming out on top for eleven Would Be a nice change of pace.
I mean, Have not You Noticed how utterly awesome I am? They must see it Because It's The Most Obvious thing ever. Ever. Even More Than Ninomiya's evilness or Jun's less-than-heterosexuality.
I am awesome, so can you tell me why the fuck I'm sitting alone in a bar, totally wasted, Probably single and with a dead-end career? Where's my drama work? My singles? My boyfriend?
I did not answer rhetorical questions There Were Because, you know? "
'Oh, really? I Could not tell. I guess it must-take a really awesome bartender to do so. " The bartender pointedly
Ignore the comments, used as He Was to drunken people's ramblings and random aggression.
I work hard and I play harder, so I can not say it's Lack of time or of Trying. I & rsquoo; s the ridiculously busy one, not me.
I May Not Have Written love songs (and if I did, I Would not Be thinking of him) or send him roses on the anniversary of the first time we Had together ramen (I remember the date and all, I just don & rsquo , t think it's worth celebrating), pero hey, he's Not That Good Either. Eleven I forgot my birthday and last year we spend Christmas together Did events. So he's an idol. But so am I and I can find time to Meet him!
Do not Believe I'm Complaining, please. I'm just stating the facts.
And now what's next? He leaves me for a ... for Akanishi? Hell no. I Can Be a moron Sometimes, But he'sa full-timand one. Or I just plays the field For a few years back Until I eat all contrite? What Happens to the friendship? Thankfully we do not work together now Because if we did, I guess I'd end up on a plane to America.
These years were great, you know? We had a lot of fun, even more fun Than We Had When We Were just friends. We can not Lose That, can we? There Was
this time we Spent the whole of Our 'holidays' (the first time we Had time off at the Same Time in ... months,, I think) just watching old Kimutaku's stuff. I Said I wanted to research and I Laughed my head off But damn, They Were mighty fine dramas and I Learnt Something from it. Beside, it meant to a lot of we Spent time just goofingaround. I do not know, with Whom else am I going to do now That? I'll fall in love again, Obviously, pero damn, it's too much work to build again That Kind of Relationship. But it was good, it was good. I do not want to forget it, I want to keep going and I will, it'd Be Better But if we just got back together.
At this point, I kindly Pointed Out That Had His lover yet to end the relationship. "
'You're a model of courtesy. "
Oh, no, Not Directly, But I know him. I have historical and tells Lately he's all antsy. I can not hold a normal conversation events with him Because I always have to hang up the phone or leave or talk to someone else.
That's life for you. It's perfect one day and the next, it's all gone.
I sound like an old man, Probably, But I've Lived a lot. Oh, I've Lived a lot. That I'm That character has to lose to make Others look good. I Will Never Be a Leading Man, Not Even in my own life. Perpetual comic relief. The Universe just likes to play cosmic jokes at my expense. I guess it's hilarious. So today
Pi finally have time to meet me and he's all Serious sounding. I sat a message earlier. It's so ... to the point. 'We Need to talk'. That Means bad news, Does it? In all languages.
' I Probably Had a poiThere nt. When my boss Said That, I Knew ... '
' Sir, Being Told this story is for your benefit, so shut up and listen.
And with a text message! That's cold and cruel. I Deserve Better Than That. I've seen all the signs, But I Was Still Hoping for a happy ending. Some silly misunderstanding, like in the movies. Not just stalling Because I'm too afraid to face reality. Avoiding or going back home and waiting for the call that'll tell me it's finally over.
Then the cell phone rang. He half-smiles and Pick it up. I read the message, put it on the counter and stared at me. I WAS pale.
Fuck. I ... I need to go. How much ...? CH
I Told him how much it WAS. Then, I'm not ashamed to say That, while I fumbled with His wallet - Maths Tend to Be Hard When It's very late and you're drunk, "I glanced at the cell phone. It Said Something
Along the lines of 'Can you tell me why you're missing your birthday party, you idiot? "
and it WAS from someone named' June '. The style Was a little more abrupt, though. "
'Are you a private investigator? Or just nosy? "
'It's part of my job! "
'How many times a day do you tell yourself that? "
'I Stood Up Almost Made the stool and fall. I Was a great tipper, Even if I Deserve It. It
WAS weird, the way I Laughed randomly. For a second, I Was Afraid I Might Have kissed me.
Wow, That shows how much of an idiot I Can Be Sometimes. So goodbye, sir. It was nice to talk to you, thanks for listening.
I Nodder and, for the very first time, felt proud of my work.
I left running and forgot historical events umbrella. I Kept the umbrella, to remind myself of all the times life Seems to suck, you know? All very symbolic. " I made a vague gesture Towards the rain or Tokyo or maybe the countless wonders of the world.
'You Because It Was Kept it from Johnny's. You can not fool me. "
'Oh, no, I just felt oddly attached to the guy. I Had A Very Appealing quality, I Could Be like your brother or your are or, you know, just a random salary man. " The random salary man Fell silent for a while, while I drank and pondered. After looking at His watch, I Reach for His wallet.
'I guess my story Lacks melodramatic gay idols and rain, so it Must mean you win. And I Should get going, Probably Because my wife is still awake and waiting for me. " The bartender smiles.
'Your wife seems to concern' Did not you an hour ago. "
The salary man's Interest WAS Suddenly caught by a stool.
'Yeah, yeah, how much do I owe you? "
' Oh, do not worry. You don & amp; rsquo; t Have to pay, you're my charity project for the day. "
The salary man stared at the middle aged bartender, I WAS wondering whether or not human.
'You're a weird man. "I finally Said, sure at least I Was a Man. The bartender Laughed
mightily as I saw the. Just as He Was
leaving, I said:
'I know. See you around, sir. I hope life's tide changes file for you. "
The man Stood at the door for a moment, looking at the historical umbrella on hand. With a frown of confusion and determination, I left it on the counter. I Looked straight at the bartender and Answer:
'Do not we all? & R