Title: The astonishing truth about divas
Fandom: JE Fandom [Arashi / KAT-TUN]
Pairing: Matsukame (Matsumoto Jun / Kamenashi Kazuya)
Summary: slowly opened his eyes and saw a roof unknown. And then I saw a perfectly groomed hair. A perfectly coiffed hair by 7 am.
Oh, no.
Word Count: 1569
whole body ached. Where the hell had been the night before ...? Tried to move. Oh.
ached all over, yes, but in a very particular and very recognizable. "Who the hell had I been? He opened his eyes
dsaw a roof space and unknown. And then I saw a perfectly groomed hair. A perfectly coiffed hair by 7 am.
Oh, no.
Oh, no, fuck it. There could be ... had dignity. Rather, he had dignity once, but now lost forever.
Because only one person ... just a being in all the universe was so perfect hair so early ... and that being was Matsumoto Jun. He was Kames Kamenashi Kazuya and the world will not lie under any circumstances, with Matsujuns . Just do not.
How could he go? How?!
And getting worse ... because Matsujun, still half asleep, and seems to grab cababaed to be determined to snuggle. Against him.
Kame had accepted many things in life. He could accept the shiny clothing, could tolerate the five idiots who acted as AT-TUN, dancing fools could bear, until he could lie to the deranged fans and learn to love the glitter. But even a Johnny has to put a limit and your limit, had discovered, was "Make a divo spoon too arrogant for the size of his talent." And no matter how good in bed were the mentioned divo. And
Matsujun was not so good, right? Alejo
the idiot and sat on the bed with his face more angry he could lay. That was a mistake, he thought, when resaca spent grazing herd of elephants stampeding elephants quietly furious.
- You're much more adorable when you're drunk.
- Andáte to hell.
- Exactly what I said. Breakfast?
- No.
- must be a charm for the tours.
was too early for a chat as well irrelevant. I just wanted to shower and go home. "Boludo Matsujun in a ball" was not exactly what he liked to do during their days off.
- Where is the ... - he paused when the room ceased to be a blurred spot .- Where are we?
- My department. You refused completely to the idea of a love hotel.ment of the shower wall. She bit her lip. Matsujun been so great that part of him wanted to repeat.
did not know which was worse: the fact that he had kissed Matsujun first or the fact that the whole situation was, not surprisingly, blames Akanishi. Akanishi
expected waiting at the door of the clubhouse, but was disappointed when he saw Kame's face said clearly that his plan had not worked extremely bright. It looked so dark and angry as ever. Moreover, he could even realize that Kame had been grinding his teeth.
no sense. I was sure they had found and blind dates were not so bad, right? I always had fun in datingblindly. Why Kame would not be fun?
mean, no sense. Unless Matsujun had lost its ability in recent months, still did not make sense.
- And? Did you snuggle? The guy loves to cuddle.
The first pineapple was Kame.
Sakurai tried to hide behind the newspaper, because Matsujun was sulking and everyone knew what it meant: free fork for everyone cries. Could not control his temper? "From time to time at least? I did not want the peace of a Zen Buddhist temple in the middle of the Himalayas, because I could settle for some peace and quiet. Particularly silent. The silence was crucial, but Sakurai was not sureor how they sounded at that stage of the game.
But Matsujun Aiba was there and was angry with the world and Nino, of course, had decided to play with the kitten angry. At least Ohno drew rather than add fuel to the fire. For now.
- should have been an economist. - You sighed ... and then put those eyes Matsujun lamb who always wore when he was sulking and needed to talk to him. Why him? Had not heard enough stories about gay sex spectacular that his colleagues had with amazing regularity? I was so used now beginning to be scary. He had to stop.
eyes ... He sighed again.
- What happened?
- Thewas.
- And? I do not see the problem.
Well ... Why does it always fell to him?
- You wanted to leave?
June nodded.
"So ... do you like?
I do not know. Is that there was something .- Sakurai looked in disbelief at Jun. - Okay. I admit it. It bothers me. It was! Without eating breakfast! And I know full well that went well, because I'm very confident in my abilities.
Sho rolled her eyes.
"He is. People like ...
June Akanishi returned his gaze with a grin.
"I'm not talking about him.
"But you said last night ...
" Oh, right. Akanishi did not appear.
- And what did he do? She sent a friend?
- I do not know if they're friends, really.
- Any member of KAT-TUN? But no ... I thought that Taguchi was heterosexual.
- Yes it is. I noticed. Three times.
- But you said ...
- Not Taguchi, idiot.
- Then who? "Nakamaru? "Tanaka?
- Do not want to sleep with your cheap version. Who was Nakamaru?
- Please do not tell me that you and Ueda ... please Ueda no.
- I like men, not women.
- Then who ...? - Said at the same moment that his mind was made light .- You're kidding.
- Why? CH
TMLXC - Because it's Kame. Kame.
- I do not see why it is so inconceivable.
- Well, you know. It Kame. Sos
you. With ten kilos less. He would not tell, because June was reacting badly to the idea
not unique.
"It's pretty adorable when he's drunk.
- When he's drunk. Do you drunk? You're a demon.
Sho laughed, but in June reacted by scowling.
- just got drunk and threw me over it. My charm is natural, I can not turn off.
- But he went.
- Yes, it was.
- Look, Jun, is an idiot. He was drunk and confused and well, he's an idiot. In other words, isKAT-TUN. June
just laughed.
"Yes, you're right. Sho
hit in the neck.
- You do not have declined thus allowed to see unless you're in love, idiot.
Just had a second book, Sho and Nino decided to skip lunch.
- Kame was apparent.
- Do not be left to do spoon? - Sho Nino looked without understanding too. Nino continued coldly calculated indifference. - A June like that.
- Not going to ask.
- Oh, come on, Sakurai, you die of want to know what you missed.
- I missed anything.
- You let pass an opportunity. You know what they sayJun.
- No, I do not know, Ninomiya, nor I want to hear. Thank you for your interest.
Nino, for once in life, let alone to Sho. Probably the disturbing prospect of June was more attractive. Sho sighed. His long awaited silence was coming soon.
- But it would not meet Akanishi?
- There was a change of plans.
- Really? And then in June stayed with Kame? Interesting.
- Why? - Sho asked.
- If I were Akanishi ...
- Akanishi, fortunately, is not a creature made of pure evil.
- Kame probably what is bothering a lot, do not you think? After so many brothels. What would I doinstead? Kame would give a distraction.
- Akanishi not stupid .- silence was ominous. - Oh, shit. It is so stupid. Do they not realize that ...?
- What are those two going to be pulling their hair half the day and the other throwing shoes in the head? You must have it.
- Do not think it's going to be serious.
- I do not know. June may have finally found their soulmate, the only other person in the world who can understand how difficult it is to be nice. Sho
not laugh.
- Why so serious?
"The issue is that if you're right (and nothing else if you're right), we should prepare. Buy amulets. I will be saying goodbye to ours ones. Take life insurance.
- Why? June can not get worse, his character hit bottom.
- On the Countdown. Because of this year, Nino, we will not ever forget.
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