Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment (Arashi, KAT-TUN, cameos by NEWS)
Pairings: Jun / Kame
Wordcount: 6.500
Genre: Humour, romance. Includes silly bets.
Summary: Getting drunk with Jin and Yamapi is always a bad idea, But you realize how much of June a bad idea it is When He ends up betting I Can Get Into Massu's pants. The only problem is That everybody wants Massu. Except him.
Now, if only Kame Would stop showing up uninvited ...
Author's Notes: Written for
Thanks for my betas,
weird It Might Have Been, But Wishes He Was working in June. Or sleeping. Or at a date. Or in the middle the sea with Ohno. Anywhere but
Surrounded by four drunken guys I Knew well enough to realize It Was Exactly That Time of the night When They ganged up on him. Already down And Takes WAS, snoring loudly onYamapi's lap, so no chance There Was Would anybody get a sudden fit of compassion.
'A game. I want to play a game, 'Jin slurred. Pi
squinted. 'What kind of game? "
'Hm. So ... "Jin look around the table and nobody in Pointe at special - June Knew It Was But all about him. It always WAS. 'If You Were dating a member of the company ...'
The table erupted in giggles. His eyes rolled Jin. 'This is important! Let's scrap dating. If You Had to fuck Another Johnny, Who Would It Be? " Nishikido
historical stirred glass of beer And Then stared at it. 'Massu. " Yamapi
Nodder. 'Totally. Massu. " Jin
Opened His Eyes wide. 'Me too! Guys, you're so awesome! " CJune
HTMLXC lift up His head from the table. 'Massu? Would you guys fuck
Massu? Dude's straight. "
Jin started to draw on the table with an imaginary pencil. 'Exactly! So are we! So it'd Be perfect. Like ... he'd Be Understanding and shit. And he'd remember to use lube. He'd Be gentle! "
'I just think he's cuter Than the rest, "Said Ryo with a shrug.
'I just do not see it. There Are Way hotter guys in the Jimusho. "
Yamapi started to laugh and patted Jun. 'Do not you guys see it? His've hurt feelings! " Jin
crawled Towards June and Right Beside him sat. 'Oh, of course ... look, Jun, you're hot. But you're my gay friend. I can not Risk It. "
'Plus You Probably Do not take off your rings and They look painful,' Ryo quipped. June
frowned. I did take off His rings. Unless the Other Party Did not mind. 'But Even if he's nice and all, isn't I too nice? "
'So if nice is not your type, Into Then what are you? Angry bastards? Manipulative assholes? I know Several of Those. " Said Jin, leaning Towards Jun's ear.
'I bet I Tegoshi says, then. " Ryo way too loud Laughed at His own joke. Tegoshi's chick magnet WAS well-known status and Widely Wonderer about in the company, But It Still Was not That Good of a joke.
'Nah, I Probably likes Manlio Them! But Manly fashionable. And sophisticated. " The worst part
, tHoughten Jun, Yamapi's Assessment That WAS wasn't that far off from the truth.
'Oh, maybe somebody from V6? " Ryo made a pause. "Maybe everybody
from V6!" Jin
Pointe at Jun. 'So, Who Would It Be? And Do not count past dalliances. Only new ones. "
'There Are not past dalliances. And I Simply Would not. It's just a recipe for disaster. "
"Hypothetically." Wow, Yamapi Had Picked up at least some words at college.
'I do not know. I do not think about co-workers that way. "
'Boldface That's a lie! Complete bullshit. I mean, I think about everybody That Way! " Jin Said, Just Before guzzling more beer.
'Why does not That SurpI rise? " Jin
pointedly Ignore the comment and jump up on His little tirade. 'So you like guys, work with hot guys and Have Never ever fucking Considered one of Them? " June
Shrugged. 'Most of Those hot guys are straight. It's Better Not to events contemplar it. "
'Then the gay ones! Joushima? Miyake? Kame? " Said Jin.
'Miyake is hot, I Can Give You That. " The Possibilities Considered in June. Joushima WAS ... well,
Joushima . But Kame ... 'So Kame is gay? " Did June
Need to see Jin's cocky smile - I Could feel the smugness emanate from Jin's voice. 'He's single, in case you're interested. And Probably Needing to get laid as much as you do. " June
huffed. I Hated comments about whether or not I've Had Lately Had sex. They Were invasive and it Reminded him That, in fact-I did Need to get laid. 'Well, he's so Obvious That I Thought He Was Actually maybe just straight But very stupid. " Ryo
hit the table with historical glass. 'Because nobody Would you ever think are gay, I suppose. You're a paragon of manliness. "
'I'm Manlio Than Kame, anyway. " Jin
historical stroked chin. 'I do not know, I does shaver commercials. Are Those commercials manly. "
'I Shaves? " Yamapi asked. June Had to Admit He Was curious too. I Had not much time ogling Exactly Spent at Kame - really, really - I Had Been But always surprised by His Lack of facial hair. But if I HADAsked, Jin Would Have gotten all kind of weird ideas and Jin's weird ideas Jun. Were always bad for
'He's Hariri Than you'd think. Just very adamant about Not Having a beard. "
Takes His head held up from Yamapi's lap and stared at the guys around historical littered living room. 'Who has a beard? "
'Kame. " Jin replied matter-of-factly. 'So, Here, Would You Rather Fuck Massu or June? "
Thought about it Takes For a few minutes. "I'm sorry, Jun, pero I'd go for Massu. He's cuter and You Have weird fetishes. "
'You Would not stand a chance with Massu, though. He looks straight, "June said.
'You Know What They Say, Jun. Never judge a book by historical cover. And Massu Wouldrun away from you, just like you run away from girls. "
'Shut up, Ryo. Nobody Would Do That. I'm everybody's exception. "
'I bet you can not get Into Massu's pants,' Jin Said, grinning wildly. June
smirk. 'And I bet I can. "
The next morning, woke up when to June, Socket WAS drooling all over Pi Kept His stomach and rubbing Against him, still asleep. The blankets on the floor Were WAS Jin and nowhere to Be Seen, But They Had not sure He Was Killed him - They Had tried Once and Jin importations Had to Be a sneaky drunk. Takes Both have pushed and Pi and got out of bed. Hangovers weekend sucked, But Were Even Worse midweek ones. I half-historical Remembered Exactly schedule and wasn't sure of how I WASgoing to survive-through the day. Probably Liberal Amounts of Coffee and releasing frustration at bandmates. His manager Eichmann
up just one minute after I finished Had Changing clothes. They Were Toma's, Because Were June's not only wrinkled and reeking of tobacco, But They Were Also Some Covered with sticky, purple Substance. Had named Jin historical 'cocktail' something like 'Funky Blanket Matter' or 'Frisky Market Chatter' and June Had Decided to Forget What It Was made of. I give out of the house, Leaving behind dirty laundry and freshly made coffee.
I Slept the whole drive to work and when to the car stopped and historical Automatically open eyes, the morning light Every crushed hope for a hangover-less day.
'Never again,' hemuttered.
I got to Arashi's dressing room in a daze, dragging His feet-through the building out of habit. That I Knew When I got there, There Would Be ready coffee, reading newspapers Would Be Sho, Nino Would Be Invading people's personal spaces and Ohno Would Be dozing off. Aiba WAS always the wildcard, though.
'Morning,' I Said I Opened the door after.
The usual chorus of voices Answered, But There Was somebody else. I Took Off His sunglasses and glanced around the room. I found the intruder leaning against a corner, with a 'New Kid in School "attitude.
'Good morning, Matsumoto-senpai. "
'Kamenashi? What are you doing here?
'Paying a visit to my senpais. We just finished Taking Some pictures nearby, so ... ' Kame fidget. He glanced nervously at Nino. 'Sorry, senpai, i have to go. I'll see you another day. " Kame
give out of the room. June crossed the room, sat down on one of Their comfy sofas - success HAD ITS perks - and frowned. 'What Was I doing here? " Sho
Gave a cup of coffee. 'No idea. Eichmann up with coffee and Then Some Stood in a corner. It WAS weird. Have we gotten so old kouhais Feel the Need to Pay Their Respects? " June
drank the coffee. It Was black with no sugar. 'This is delicious. Kame Brought it? " Sho Nodder and hummed with approval "in June. 'And
you're the old one. I'ma teenager and Nino is twelve. " Aiba
laughed. 'And Oh-chan is the grandpa! " Sho
His eyes rolled. 'So Aiba is the kid and I'm the responsible adult. Explains a lot. "
Nino sat on Jun's lap and put His arms around June's neck. 'What the fuck Have you gotten Into? Nishikido called me yesterday, June Said Something about a bet. " June
sat upright, Trying to get rid of Nino. 'I can not believe I have Remembers That. "
'Promised him I'd make you keep your part of the bargain. " Nino smirk and pushed June's nose tip. 'Do you realize That if you lose, you'll Have to steal one of Nakai's hats? " June
sank in the couch. 'So. Does Any Of You Have Massu's number? "
- June
zipper historical again. There Was not worst first impression Than an open zipper, in historical opinion - except maybe see-through outfits. Then I combed historical historical hair with fingers and Practice Some smirks in the mirror. Were the bathrooms Lonely Sanctuaries of modern urban ills. Or at least the Sanctuaries of modern urban ills Who Worked 25 hours a day and Were Constantly Surrounded by a swarm. I lean on the mirror and enjoyed the coolness of the mirror. The silence WAS WELCOMED as well.
When somebody Open the door, I jump and tried to lean on the sink in the coolest way imaginable. If
Kamenashi's grin and Stock WAS indication, it did not work.
'Matsumoto-senpai, "Kame Said, walking Towards him.
'What's with the sudden respect? Amin SMAP or what? "
'You're old enough. Already I can see the wrinkles. " Pointing at Them
Unnecessary WAS, though. His eyes have rolled. 'See? That's the Kame I know. Before you ask, I'm fine, thank you. "
'You're not fine at all. You're nervous. I can tell. " Suddenly Realized June
Were shoelaces undone and bent down to tie Them. "I'm not. Not at all. I'm just getting ready to woo Massu. " I replied from the floor.
'So You're Going Along With That stupid bet? "
'Of course I am. I'ma man of my word. "
'But they're not. Really, do you like Massu events? "
'That's utterly irrelevant. " June Said Trying Not to sound bitter, Before striding Towards the door. Kame
held out a hand. 'Eh? But I wanted to ask you about ... '
Turned His eyes rolled back and in the MOST visible way Could I manage. 'Send me a text! You have my number, do not you? "
'Actually ... never mind. "
His eyes rolled again in June and hurried down the hallway Towards the studio Ryo WHERE WAS NEWS Had Told him Taking Some photos for a magazine - They did work, after all. It Was His chance to make His move. Or else he'd Be in Nakai's hands and Nakai's hands soiled with the blood Were of a Thousand juniors.
've heard the studio and Massu spotted sitting on a chair. I WAS wearing some kind of polka-dotted poncho and ugly, ugly boots. Maybe I shared with Nino stylists. Approaches: a June
him and Tried to be as natural as possible.
'Hi, Masuda. "
'Matsumoto-kun? " Massu WAS smiling, But It Was a confused smile, Not an
'I Have Been struck by the beauty of a preternatural being' smile.
'Yes, The Same one! " June laughed. 'How Have you been doing? We Have not Talked much Lately, Have not we? "
'Hm, Matsumoto-kun, we've never talk, "Massu said.
'That is true, and That We Should fix, shouldn't we? " I Had sounder confident, Had not he? It Was a winning line. Nobody Could resist it. 'I Was wondering if ...'
'So how are you, Then? I guess you're working withLot, Are not You? Must be hard. "
'Eh, yes, I am. But That's not why I Came here. "
'Did you want to talk? " That's why
Did not like nice, sensitive guys. They made sense. That Hated June. 'Well, yes, But Not about work. "
'Then about what? "
Actually The other problem with nice guys - not fakely polite ones - Was That They Were honest. And How Could I reply to a sincere, sensible comment? 'Eh. I Heard you like food. "
Massu's phone rang. 'Oh, sorry, got to catch this! Later Can we talk? "
Could not run fast enough Massu, Yamapi and Ryo barely Could Contain Their laughter and June Could not look dignified events.
- CIf your songs
HTMLXC Mostly Consist of 'Work hard, work hard, work hard
er!' Those words start to lose Meaning after a while. That Knew June and that's why I always listened to depressing songs When He Was in a sad mood. Arashi-style poppy joy just rubbed salt in His Wounds. And He Was Wounded. His pride WAS Covered in blisters and historical self-confidence Had Been beaten to a pulp by a guy with a voice way too deep for historical face. I WAS like an animal seeking for a refuge away from predators - Namely, Pi and Nishikido Who Were Already texting him with 'hilarious' jokes. I Turned Off His phone and the music. I Knew the studio and the rooftop Was a good alternative. I Had Spent a great deal of historical rooftops puberty in hiding, Trying to readrn how to smoke and look cool while doing it. I did look cool, But Had Been addiction too steep a price. The
Open and closed door, But Did not look at it in June. Probably just an employee.
'Hm, Matsumoto-senpai ...'
I turn back and saw Kame. Whatever I wanted, it wasn't as important as sulking. 'What the fuck do you want? "
'Hey, I Was just worried. You Passed right next to me and I Talk To You and you
Ignored me and ... ' ' Does Being Ignored That Much annoy you? " June sneered and felt a little guilty of doing so. Arashi members or His Friends Knew That bastard behind the sneering Rather Was a smart and charming man (if I Say That Might himself), But Did not know him too Kamewell. I sat on the floor, Back Against The Wall That Was All That Separated the rooftop from the air.
Kame además got closer and sat him. 'You're an ungrateful asshole, you know? I do not even know why I care. "
'You care Because I'm hot. Want a cigarette? "
'You're so hot barely Masuda Remembers your name. And how nice of you, "Kame Answered and Took a cigarette. 'Do you have a lighter? "
'Here. " I Kame's lit cigarette. Kame Knew how to smoke in a cool way as well and in close proximity, I Had to Admit He Was not the only hot guy in the rooftop. I Wonderer if I was really gay, like Jin Had Said, And Then stopped right on the tracks. That way lay madness. 'So what did you want to ask me? "
Kame's eyes widen. 'Do not worry, I've Already Asked Nino. "
'Oh. That's cool then. " His eyes closed in June and breathe in deeply. 'Look at the time. I must go. "
Kame laughed. 'You're shit at ending conversations, you know? You get all awkward. "
historical cigarette put out in June and Stood Up. 'Just so you know, I Might Get charmingly vulnerable, but I'm never awkward. "
Could I hear Kame's laughter all the way down the stairs.
- Used
I got to hear Kame's laughter soon enough, somehow Because Arashi Had Gained a sixth member. Kame's Presence in the dressing room was routine Already, as historical WAS coffee.
'So WHERE do you getthis coffee, anyway? " June asked. They Were the only two people left in the dressing room, Because Sho Had gotten a sudden phone call, Nino Had gone to the bathroom and Aiba Had gone to look for ice tea. Had no idea WHERE I WAS Ohno.
'It's a secret. If I Told You, You Would not let me eat anymore, "Kame replied. He Was curled up on a sofa. Had I just finished recording Some variety show appearance. June Almost felt sorry for him, Because He Looked terrible - But still hot.
'Hey, if you want to bask in our greatness, be my guest.' Kame
Nodder historical and eyes closed. 'Yes, yes, Your Majesty. "
'You can not fall asleep here. Having lunch with us is intrusive enough, do not you think? "
I'm not falling asleep, I'm just resting my eyes. "
'Just like the other day You Were not going to have lunch with us and somehow I ended up HAVING lunch with the whole of KAT-TUN? " June Said, But Already Kame WAS sound asleep. Stood Up
June, Sho Took Kame's jacket and Cover with it. 'We shouldn't let you crash events in here,' he murmured.
- Since
Did not have any regular NEWS Programs, Which Meant That There Was Not much chance of running Into Them casually in a TV studio, Jun got lucky A Few weeks later. NEWS Had a new single out and That meant to promotions. Work for stations in June.
'You're still at it? " Asked when to June Sho Told him about historical plans. They Were in Their dress aloneing room, or at least as good as alone, Because Nino Had fallen asleep the second I sat down and Aiba and Ohno Had Followed suit. 'Though I Had You Given Up. " June
tried on a white jacket. 'Why Should I? I never give up. That way I never lose. "
'Are you sure? You do not want to stay here and eat Some of Those chocolates Kame sat us? " Sho temptingly Waved the box with a creepy smile.
'You look like a pervert. And I do not get the kid. Why send us chocolate? Did I Miss Something? Is it Valentine's? "
'He's Just Trying to be nice and make a good impression. " June
Took off the jacket and Threw it on the couch. It Looked awful on him. 'Or maybe He Wants to fatten all of us. To moveup in the company. " Sho
started to fold the jacket. 'That's just paranoid, Jun. And You Should Like That stop treating him. He gets really scared Whenever you enter the room. " June
tried on Aiba's jacket. It Had Been Looked like it dug out out of a dumpster 70s Ohno And Then Had Attempted to Make Some patchwork with it. It Looked Massu-like enough, so tried it on in June. 'It's not my fault if I'm intimidating. " Sho
started eating the chocolates. 'Whatever, Jun, I'll enjoy the chocolates for you. Or do you want to Give Them to Massu? " June
huffed. 'I'm Not That cheesy. I mean, you can not get Into a guy's pants with chocolates. It never works. "
'Wearing won Aiba's lucky jacket'T work Either. In FACT, why do not you switch targets to Tegoshi? He Seems easier. "
'Because Tegoshi likes chicks and Because They Will not let me. I mean, I tried, But They Do Know Their bandmates' names. "
'Okay, okay, you go and Be a champion, then. " DECIDED June
Not to address the sarcasm in Sho's voice and left the dressing room without Saying Good bye, But Not Before putting on sunglasses historical lucky. I Need All I Could get the luck.
I Almost Did not catch Massu. 'Hey, Masuda! " He Said, grabbing him by the shoulder. The Saami
confused smile. Again. 'Oh ... hi. "
Not Promising. At all. 'Hey, We Did not get to talk the other day. " Massu
bowed slightly. Were They Really That old already? Maybe Kame Was Right about the wrinkles ... "Hm, no, we did not. I'm Sorry About That. " June
Took Off His sunglasses. 'Oh, do not worry! I Was just wondering if ... you still liked food. " Massu
Nodder. 'Like everybody else, I suppose. "
'Oh, yes, we all like food. Actually Even if we can not eat. " Not eating
jokes? For Johnny's, That Was like talking about the weather. June felt ridiculous. WAS What next?
'Do not you hate Those silly They made us wear outfits? My manager is a real pain in the ass
? Massu's eyes searched the room. Probably for an emergency door, thought Jun. 'Oh, sorry, the manager Wants to go already. It's his Daughter's birthday and Wants to return home early. " Another quick left with Massu bow in June and just stared at the distance For a few seconds. Emergency doors, emergency managers - almost the Same thing.
'But I just want your number ...' I muttered.
Maybe It Was Better if I Avoided Arashi's dressing room for a while. They Could Be When They wanted to evil.
I Took a slight detour and ended up at Kame's dressing room. I Was a senpai polite, after all, and I HAD to thank him for the chocolates. I knocked on the door, But nobody answered.
I Stood there, like an idiot, Until an employee TAPPED station on His shoulder. "Matsumoto-san, are you looking for somebody?"
'KamenashiHad told me to eat. But Apparently he's not here. "
I left so fast it burnt the floor, But the way back to the dressing room felt like the world Had lost STI colors. Could I see Himself hung by the ankles as a warning for all of Those Who messed with the Greatest of Them All (Even If He Was Balding, Yes, Now Shut Up, Smartass) Nakai as drunkenly Called Himself. I WAS never going to go out drinking with Those Guys never again. They Hated him and him up to fail in September.
I slammed the door open and ran Almost Towards Sho. 'I failed. Again. "
'Why did you Doubt that? " a cheery voice said. June pierced with historical patented Kame stink eye, But It Did not seem to faze Kame.
Scared, my ass
, Jun Thought. 'This is not a hotel for KAT-TUN members, now go away. " Kame
WAS sitting next to Nino so I just rolled His eyes and jump up back to historical conversation with him. June
Towards Them And Then stopped centimeters away from the couch. His arms folded and I curled lip historical. Nino and Kame just Kept talking, But I Could see the Youngest Towards him one glance. I Could Also see Nino's hand on Kame's knee "I Told you to go away, Kamenashi. I need to discuss with Arashi Some important Matters. " Nino
Laugh and patted Jun's thigh. "Your pride is Not important. It'll recover. "
Kame, urge, just got up. 'I see I'm not wanted. " I shot a glance at Jun. faced Nino And Then Wait for June
a witty response or at least for a bitchy one - Kame Had an encyclopaedia of Those and June Had yet to hear them all - But all I got Was An icy glare And Then the silence of His bandmates.
Sho sighed. 'Way to Be an asshole. " June
His arms held up in desperation. 'I'm in a crisis here, guys! " Aiba
Nodder. 'We know, we know. But do not worry! We'll resurrect you when Nakai kills you. " The thing with
Aiba, Jun Thought, WAS That You never knew if I meant to it.
- June
Did not feel guilty for snapping at Kame at first. If you played with fire, you got burnt. But as the Days Pass and the family now conspicuously absent WAS Presence (he stopped sending events That awesome coffJune and liked ee That Had coffee), Jun started to change His mind. Kame around Had Been Having fun. Normally, They Were in Opposite sides of everything but it Had Been a welcome change. After all Their years together, Arashi never indulged taste for good historical Carefully crafted arguments and bitchiness. Sho calm him down, Smiled at him Ohno, Aiba Nino Derailed the conversations and just mock him. Took Kame all the baits, hook, line and sinker.
Beside, the quiet Judgement of Arashi Was a Force to Be reckoner with. The disapproving looks like Were Being buried in lead. Judgmental lead.
'Okay, okay. I'll apologize, 'He Said one night after a concert. The rest Were all asleep in the van. Nino Opened His Eyes Only and rummaged-through pockets historical. IHis cell held out to Jun.
'About fucking time. Here's his number. You Never Asked him for it, Did not You? " June
Took the cell. 'I did not see the need. "
'So I's not the only turtle Then,' Nino Said Before His eyes closing again. 'Put the phone Where It Belongs when you're done, will you? " June
Nodder and started typing on His own phone.
'Sorry. I'll let you visit us again. Sometimes We All Need entertainment. "
I sat the text and wait. I Gave Kame Answering Before two minutes tops.
I Had to Wait Until They Were Almost in Tokyo. Your apologies
suck. But I guess I'll come around Sometimes, I canmiss you tell me.
By the way, you're still an asshole. Did
June events deign to reply.
- June
Rested His Hand on the doorknob and hoped That Would Be routine finally restored. I wanted to find His bandmates chatting happily and Kame's coffee on the table. If Fate WAS Generous feeling, I wanted to find Kame as well. Fate
WAS feeling Generous, But Also a little mocking Because I only found Kame with a cup of coffee But No bandmates to Be Seen.
That Was Dangerous.
Kame stared at him from above the cup. "Hi." I
sounder still angry. June strode across the room and Took a cup of coffee for Himself. "I'm sorry, 'he muttered.
CCould I feel HTMLXC Kame's eyes pierce holes on His back. 'Two
apologies? And One Was real events? This is a first for you, is not it? " June
historical sipped coffee. It still Tasted great. I glanced at Kame. 'How did you manage to arrive Before Us? " Kame
Shrugged. 'I Have Nothing Better to do with my time. " June
turn back to face Kame and Smile. 'I figured. I have no idea why you keep showing up. " The confused frown
WAS cute, Jun Thought, if a little Forced. 'Really? You do? "
'I Have Some Theories but ... why do you do it, Then? I mean, if You Need Any kind of help ... I know Things Have Been hard for you. "
Kame started to laugh and patted June 's shoulder. 'Do not worry. I just like you guys ... but I'll keep your offer in mind. You Do not Get That From Matsumoto Jun, Super Idol, Every Day. "
'The Super Idol Aiba is, not me. " Kame
Laugh Again and June WAS Eichmann up Then Aiba grateful Asked Why was June and Trying to steal historical title, Because Trying to steal bandmates' boyfriends WAS worse.
Bets Were not good for Jun, Especially When Other People insisted on pending Reminding him of historical fate. I Had Almost no time left, According To Ryo. Did I remember agreeing on a deadline and I Did not trust Ryo, Jin and Pi Had But Ryo's Judgement Supported over Jun's and now I've Had one week.
luckily, NEWS Had a concert and That BeforeHad June hatched a fail-proof plan.
I Looked amazing, Even Better Than normal. Praise the Kame Even Had I WAS wearing jeans and I Had Spent accessorizing MOST of the afternoon and evening MOST of the historical combing hair. I Looked amazing and more importantly, I Looked effortless. I've Waited So
backstage, Because He Did not Want To Be spotted with a silly bunch of flowers in first row. Everybody liked flowers, Did not They?
The group members started to come out one by one and in June Stood There With the Blankest face Could I manage. 'Hm. Congratulations. "
There Were Only Had two instances I felt more awkward Than That. Had Both Involved goats. Massu
historical cleared throat. 'Good night, Matsumoto-kun. And good night, guys. I'll see on Wednesday. "
Fell Jun's mouth open. 'You're Leaving? "
'Yes, I Already Have Plans and I'm beat. "
'But I Was wondering if ...'
Massu left him hanging. June clutched flowers and jump up the network. Koyama
giggled and Took the flowers. 'Thanks, Matsumoto! They're really pretty. "
'I guess. Good concert. "
I started to leave. At least I have Had the car and drive around Until I Could Died down the humiliation.
'Hey, June, let's go out! " Ryo screamed Towards him while I ran.
'So You Can mock me? No, thanks. "
'For what? For Being a good friend and coming to see us? No problem there, buddy, 'Pi and Ryo added Nodder.
'But I lost the bet. "
Ryo laughed. "What bet?"
'The Bet That I ... "Ryo's eyebrows jump up up and shut up in June. 'Then, yeah, let's go out, "June Said, Forgetting all about how terribly When They Went Things got drunk.
'Amazing! We'll get so drunk they'll kick us out again! " Maybe it wasn't
Such a good idea after all.
By the time June U.S. WAS singing 70s hits, I HAD forgotten all about the bet.
'Are the best karaoke booths, Are not They, Ryo? " He Said, además him sitting down. Ryo WAS half-asleep and clutching June's flowers. Yamapi WAS lying on the floor, humming an ABBA song with a dumb smiHis lips on him.
'Yes, yes, They Are,' he muttered.
'My Jeans Are Also the best. They Said Kame really suited me, But I know I meant to my ass when I'm wearing looks astounding Them. "
Ryo laughed. 'How do you know that? "
'I Kept staring at it, Even if I have a crush on Nino. So it Must mean my ass looks amazing in Them. "
'A crush on Nino? Why do you think that? " Ryo asked.
'They always talk. And stuff. And Nino touches him a lot. " Ryo
Jun's head hit with the flowers. 'Nino touches everybody. "
'But Kame gets really nervous. Like nervous schoolgirl. Totally annoying. " Ryo
Jun. Towards leaner '
ybody gets nervous when to Nino does Touching the thing. Just Because You're Used to It Does not mean it's not creepy. "
'And I looks at me like ... I do not know, maybe I Thinks I have a crush on Nino as well, because i always catch him staring at me. Always. And I have snaps at me all the time. I'm mean, But I crosses the line. It's like I eat visiting to argue with me. "
'Arguing Is not part of your mating process? "
'Why do you say that? Arguing I do not enjoy at all. "
'Really, Jun, you're playing dumb, Are not You? " June
blinked. 'He does not have a crush on Nino? " Ryo
let the flowers fall to the floor. 'No, he does not. Come on, you don'tknow? "
'Is it Aiba? " Yamapi
Stood Up. 'Crap, He Does not Know. I really Does not Know. "
'What Should I know? " I tried to say, But I WAS getting drowsy.
'That Kame's still gay and single, "Pi said.
'Why Should I Care? " He Was vaguely aware of Ryo fiddling with historical phone and of
Yamapi Knowing Breaking Into a smile. He Knew He Was supposed to ask again, But for That He Was tired.
The rest of the night Was a blur. The only moment That Look Sharp In His Mind When Nino WAS Arrived at Kame with Some ungodly hour. I Waved at Nino and His tongue stuck out at Kame. Kame sat down next to him, To His surprise, while Nino tried to move away from a WAITRO Yamapis.
'Hi, Kamenashi-kun. How are you feeling today? "
'Better than you, at least. "
'You look tired. "
am tired. " June
Could Hardly stay awake at That point, pero WAS Pi's remark still clear in His Mind. 'Hey, are you still single? " Kame
Nodder. 'Why do you ask? "
'Because Then nobody will mind if I do this, "June Said Before His head resting on Kame's lap. He closed His eyes. 'And are you still gay? " Kame
Wait A Minute Before Answering. 'Yes. Why do you care? " June
felt Kame's fingers combing historical-through hair and smiles. 'Because I do. "
Next morning, I woke up alone in historical apartment. I Remembered walking to a taxi and Kame Giving him a note and a smile. Was a lucky bastard child.
I checked and found the pocket His Carefully folded note. It read
Need to talk to you. Coffee next Friday? Some
and address. June read the note A Thousand Times And Then sat to text to Kame. Of course I Could. They Could Talk about anything.
'Hey, We Could Even skip the talking, "June Said to Himself And Then cursed Nino again.
- The coffee WAS
empty. The only employee - Probably the owner - Was a weird looking Woman Who Wore June swore an eye patch. Still, Kame WAS at the back of the place.
They sat and stared at Each Other forA Few minutes.
'Thanks for coming, "Kame said. His smile WAS Brighter Than a clear summer day in June and WAS stuff Comparing to the sun? I wince. Comparing people to bright summer days or the warm spring sun WAS always a bad omen.
'No problem. It WAS important. I mean, We Have to talk about it. " Kame
Nodder, pero pick up in June Could Some mild surprise. "I'm surprised you finally Realized it. Took you long enough. " June
gulped. Letting people down Gently Had Never Been His forte, Especially When It Was in place of somebody else. 'Look, you shouldn't get your Hopes up. " Kame
Looked straight at him and jump up pale. 'But ...'
'It's better to quit while you're ahead, Kame. I know it's hard to Meet Guys Who are in the business, pero fantasies Were never good for anybody. Trust me, it's for your own sake. "
'But ... I Thought. I really Thought. It Was Obvious That I'm not the only one that ... '
'Nino's never Obvious. "
'Who the fuck cares about Nino? "
'You do, Obviously, and he's my friend and I feel like it's my duty to tell you that ... "Kame Grabbed
Jun's arm. 'Wait. Just wait. Let me get this straight. You think I'm into Nino? " Nodder
June. 'Eh. Yes? You're always talking to him. And Touching him. And you came together the Other Night. "
Kame started to laugh. WAS June dumbfounded. Something Had Gone horribly wrong. 'And that's why I Asked him
To Have coffee with me. "
'You did? And I Said Yes? Did he pay? Because if I Paid, Then I Do not Know What to think. "
'Jun. Do you get it? Really? "
'But if you do not like him, Then why do you two talk so much? "
'We Have a friend in common. Well, friend
... '
June blinked. And Then He Went network. 'Oh, fuck my life. " He hid His face in His hands. 'It's me, is not it? "
'Hey, if it Annoys You That much, I can back off. " Kame sounder angry. But in June Knew him well enough to realize it WAS hurt instead.
'It Does not annoy me. It Does not annoy me at all, 'heSaid, peeking-through His hands. Kame's scowl
Quickly Became a grin. 'So I wasn't crazy after all. Has anybody ever Told You You are the king of mixed messages? " June
snorted. 'Because you're so straightforward! "
'I Gave you chocolates. "
And They Had Been delicious, Even if only June Had Been Able to taste one little tiny part. 'You Gave
chocolates. "
'No, I did not. They Were Only for you. I made a card events. " On one hand
, I wanted to kill Sho. On The Other, Kame's actions Were too cute to care about anything Other than 'This is going to Be the best date ever
. "
- He Had Spent
historical andntire ride to work planning Against Sho historical vengeance, But I Had Plans to scrap all the historical moment I Opened the door. Ohno stared at him and Then Went His eyes wide. I left the notepad on His knees and Then Point at Jun. 'You got laid last night. " June
stopped cold. 'What are you on this time, Ohno? " I barked. Aiba
ran him and Touche historical Towards forehead. Then I smelled historical hair. 'Yeah, definitely. Smells Like A Man Who got laid. " Gently I pushed
Aiba away. 'Stop with the non-sense. I smell of shampoo and shower gel. And I'm not humming or doing anything like that, such. Why do you think I got laid? " Nino
historical snorted and folded arms to His chest. 'Normal people do That. Whenever you get laid, you bark. And I guess it was really angry sex, so you're angrier events Than usual. "
'Sho, Tell Them to Stop. " Did Sho
events look at him. 'Why Should I? It's Obvious they're right. "
'What is it for you, Then? Did you read it in your newspapers? "
'No, I read it from That hickey on your neck, Which the make-up department is going to bitch about the whole morning. Next time, ask him to Be more professional. " Not
tried to laugh. 'Why Did not you bastards tell me? " Threw
Nino Ohno's jacket at him. 'Because It Was Obvious You Were chasing and Massu. Massu
. And by the way, you owe me. " June
Threw Ohno's jacket back at Nino. 'IDo not owe you anything. "
'Yes, you do, Because if it Had not Been for me, Kame Would Have quit this ridiculous chase two days Into It. "
That's why you two Talked so much? " Ohno
Grabbed His jacket and Pointe at Jun. 'Well, we HAD to Explain to him That You're a weird person, Jun. Nino And Do not Believe, We Were
all rooting for you. "
His eyes rolled in June. 'You just like Kame's food. " Sho
Carefully folded newspaper and historical historical Rested upon it knees. 'I'd say we where more Concerned about your general well-being and sanity, But The coffee did play a big part. " Wonderer
June, for a second, Exactly When I crossed over to HADLand Dorama But Then I decided it wasn't really important. Epilogue
'So, next time, Avoid the neck, please. I hate wearing Turtlenecks. "
'Then you Avoid my arms. The guys Laugh at me for a week. " June
Shrugged. 'They're pretty. " Kame
Reach Out From His side of the table and hit Jun's head. 'But it's too hot for long sleeves and Photoshop we can not live footage. " Grabbed
Kame's hand. 'Yeah, yeah, I understand. I'll bite only private places from now on. "
'Oh, shut up. I do not want to kill you in a restaurant. "
'You mean you kiss
, Surely. Why Would You kill me when I'm theXC 'Well, they're
really close. " June wisher
I Could frown even more, Because They Did not look like friends. At all.
'They're fucking. "
'Well, maybe. Actually Nakamaru recommended this place to me. I Said it was very private. " June
Knew That smile. June Knew That look. 'You Knew
and you let me ... you're a bastard. " Kame
leaner over to June and His forehead pressed Against his. 'And That way you love me, do not you? "
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