"Johnny's Countdown" live annual, held at the Tokyo Dome, with appearances of the many talents of Johnny's Entertainment. As members of JE, Arashi has attended the event each year. In 2009, he attended Arashi "Kohaku" for the first time, but could not stay for the entire ceremony, as they had to run to Johnny's Countdown live immediately after the conclusion of his actuació n.
As Arashi has confirmed his appearance again this year for "Kohaku" and "Johnny's Countdown, have decided they will participate in" Johnny's Countdown "to through a broadcast.
Since the issue "Johnny's Countdown" starts at 23:45, the boys have developed a cooperation agreement with NHK, to host " Kohaku "This year, Arashi no you can leave early to attend the" Johnny's Countdown "in vivo. Knowing that their presence is a tradition valued by members and fans, NHK is committed to helping kids by allowing them to relay broadcast of one of their places of study or place of CELEBRATION , n.