Friday, May 9, 2008

Painful Ovulation More Condition_symptoms MY FAVORITE DEADLY SIN

Whatever they say, we all make at least once in our lives, some of them ... Some one sin over another but in the end ... Written with pink ink tears of a minstrel, in the books of the time, on the pages of mourn is a curse: only God can forgive these sins ...
The idea is great, but these images, even more ...
All works of art, its author: Marta Dahlig


here ... Van 6 and missing, is my favorite ... Guess what??


IRS, Claudia is the anger, pride, lust, greed, envy, laziness and gluttony sin ... Because every day with them ... Every day I have a hunger for learning things that are not yet and never quenched my desire to know, because in spite of my virtues, I envy in other people without making the slightest effort, life smiles they deserve by giving them gifts that do not, because I look for us pride day a day trying to get me nOtar in the world, leaving my legacy importantly, a deep impression, I am greedy when I want the whole world is just for me, I'm lazy to do better in this world, hoping only that the world does something to make me better, passionately desire my personal glory, I strongly do my suenios ...

But above all, Claudia is the anger, the courage to live in sin in order to get and reach my dreams, my ideals, my goals. That despite everything, I surrender, continuous and continuous until the Day of Judgement, when my body gets tired, yawn my life and my mind decay.

Only until then, stop sinning, meanwhile, will continue to sin, until you drop ...

Atte. ClavArmy


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