Saturday, October 25, 2008

Groin Injuries More Condition_symptoms I LOVE YOU

 Your hands are my caress, my line everyday, I love you because your hands work for justice. If I love you is because you are my love, my accomplice, and everything. And in the streets side by side we are more than two. Your eyes are my spell against bad day, I love you for your eyes watching and seeding future. Your mouth is yours and mine, Your mouth is not wrong, I love you because your mouth knows shouting defiance. If I love you is because you are my love, my accomplice and everything. And in the streets side by side we are more than two. And your face sincere. And your step bum. And your cry for the world. Because people love you sos. And because love is not dawn, no moral candid, and because we partner who knows that it is not & aacute; alone. I want you in my paradise, that is, in my country, people live happily even without permission. If you want is that you are my love, my accomplice and everything. And in the streets side by side we are more than two. I LOVE YOU! -MOI?, OUI! 


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