Friday, November 21, 2008

80042306 Volume Shadow Copy THE DECEPTION THAT NEVER WAS LOVE Deun

And the light in her eyes shut
the grin on his face completely disappeared
And the wind was replaced by his absence ...

thousand knives dug into her broken heart to the degree of a powder. She loved him as rarely came to love. In fact never came to amarsea itself much as it did with him. I love him because he saw his own reflection, that person so beautiful roses or jasmine or first come to call, so the beautiful she is ... Wrong
was thinking that it reflects the fact he was, since it was different and hidden beneath the waves exist in the lake where everything seems calm, but the depthad for those who swim do not know, can be fatal.
happened before your eyes, your ears were hurt by the awful sound of pain that breaks hearts. The light in her eyes shut, and the grin on his face disappeared. His body was absent, his soul went flying in search of support that never come. In return, the wind was replaced by his absence, and automatically, the princess turned to stone.
pain is never something you want to feel, but it is inevitable and necessary. You do not want the pain to anyone, and now she knows that it should not even want to whom I have caused, it is so great that nobody felt enough taNo bastard to be worthy of such suffering.

The stone is broken, the iron oxidizes, the flowers fade, the music is silent ... But she did not. She remains strong because he can not not be strong. The storms that hit are parete it and have learned to live together in harmony. If there is pain, and of course it hurts, but the skies was sent to earth to show those who would have to encircle the whole can in this life and nothing, absolutely nothing can stop the will of a person convinced of being able to However, to suffer everything, and love everything. Because nothing is impossible and nothing is forever, life is a game you once played, you can not play again.

cards on the table, standing tall andsincerity above all ... Claudia

called today, is well placed heading, hoping to reach the final ...

A well tôt!

Atte. Army Clav

Saturday, November 8, 2008

South Park Streaming Fishsticks INNAMORERAI DI TI ME, SO WHAT:)

T'innamorerai 'll love
forse non di memaybe not my
starai ferma lì & nbsp; 're still there and succederà
da sè ... da sè ;; And it just ... just

Della libertà of freedom
Tuoi amici degli & amp; nbsp; of your friends you ne fregherai
not mind ; , & amp; nbsp; When
T'innamorerai ... & nbsp; You fall in love ... Vedrai
; , & nbsp;'ll see beautiful
Sarà da keeps
; It will be beautiful to see
eat a poster di James Dean & amp; nbsp; a poster of James Dean sarà dolce
the paura ; , &; Nbsp; be sweet i fear sganciandosi
blue jeans Taking off jeans big
come il mare sarà , & amp; nbsp; will be great as the sea eats
Dio sarà forte willstrong as a God
cousin sarà il vero amore will the first true love
Quello che non sono io , &; Nbsp; ; That is not me
& amp; nbsp; you fall in love with a bastard
di che a bastard who tell you
Bugie; ; , will tell lies
per portarti via da me ... & nbsp; To get away from me ... Chi
you difenderà , & nbsp; who you
defend dal buio della notte; From the darkness of the night
da questa vita che non dà ; ; of this life that does not
quel che promette & nbsp; what promises

T'innamorerai ; ;You'll love it so
& nbsp; know
certo non di me & nbsp; clearly not my
in Profondita in such depth che non sai di
avere you will not know
in te ... in te & nbsp; Sarai

control you tutti contro single & amp; nbsp; Will s alone against all perché io non ci
Sarò &; Nbsp; Because I will not be
Quando e lavi i piatti Piangi when you cry and wash
dishes and the vita says no , & nbsp; life and say no one ritard
di sei giorni   a delay of six days
non sai che a lui Dirl you do not know whether to tell him avrai Voglia di pensarmi
, & amp; nbsp; you'll want to think about my
your che adesso non mi vuoi & nbsp; you now I want

T'innamorerai ... di me ; ; YOU MY LOVE ... ma non Sarò
io ... with you & amp; nbsp; BUT YOU WILL BE ...
T'innamorerai   LOVE YOU
Quando sarà ormai Tardi ; , & nbsp; it is too late heaven

E il piangere ; , And the sky will cry
gli mancherà a stella ;; , will lack a star with
vai tua felicità ; , & nbsp; go with your happiness! Sei troppo bella
; , & amp; nbsp;'re too beautiful

AHHH you'll love me, I know ... Just hopefully not too late! YAAAA DATE, DATE ACCOUNT AND LOVE ME!

You know who you are! Many


Atte. Army Clav