Sunday, August 1, 2010

House Slipper Bandanawhite [JE Fandom] Let's Get Out and Play

Title: Let's Get Out and Play
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment (Arashi - TOKYO)
Wordcount: 2400
Summary: Arashi Ohno is working and is bored out of historical minds and full of wanderlust. And Their September while May Not Be an unknown land waiting to Be discovered, at least it Offers Some mister, Because Everything is mysterious That late at night. Even drunk senpais.
Notes: This is a remix of Closet by [info] basil_ovelby . Thanks to
[info] lastingdreams8 for the beta!

Were The great empty hallways always an invitation to wander. In FACT, They Had Been That For MOST of His Life. Just like the outdoors, empty buildings Offered the right atmosphere for deep concentration on absolutely nothing at all and That Was Ohno's preferred state of mind.

So INSTEAD of hanging around the set, Where He Was child pretends Some playing Mario and Not Sleeping, where, Aiba filmed historical part Sakurai read the papers while in June and got new ideas, Which Came So Easily to him, Ohno Went off on a grand adventure.

I Had Never Been To That building Before - I Thought - But Certain types of buildings - the 'Here we do Useful Stuff! " type of buildings - Had the Tendency to look Almost Exactly the Same, so I Could Have been there before.In FACT, I Probably had.

I Followed the sound of His own footsteps and Avoid The Few Employees That Were still cleaning or Patrolling the building. Many, Many doors entice him. Maybe Behind That Door, TOKYO WAS doing a photo shoot or KAT-TUN WAS One of Those epics recording of theirs or PVs NEWS WAS ... doing whatever NEWS did.
I ended up picking a lonely, little door. I liked lonely, little things. I Thought That Took only if you notice, just a little glance, they'd Be more grateful Than Those more beautiful, more graceful always Things That Had The Pleasure of Being Looked at. I

peeker Open the door and inside. Just a Poorly lit storage room. A light layer of dust. A vague stink of humidity. It did look pretty, though. A rare kindof pretty.
More importantly, it Looked friendly. Amicable. Affable. It Was Not Like Those perfectly decorated, modern apartments perfectly menacing or Those That traditional houses cost more Than all of Arashi Could put together affordable. No, it Looked like somebody Could Have tea with you. If You Could Have tea with a room, That Is.

That There Was a sofa Had seen better days But still Stood There. A tired sofa for a tired old man, Ohno Thought. I sat on it and sighed. Their manager WAS Probably going to kill him or at least Preparing a wide Variety of torture methods.
I did not care, much. It Was Just a nap. The sofa WAS comfy, warm and the place WAS I Had Already Done historical part, so I hummed softly, Letting fill the room with gentle sounds. CHTM

I WAS tired. Plain and simple: tired. All I wanted Was a place to rest. Some nice old sofa for some nice old man, Joshima Thought. Their
WAS delayed and shoot They Need Time to Fix Something. He Was not Entirely sure. I Look For The Most unassuming door in the building and Open it.

The guy sprawled on the sofa look familiar. I Probably Should Have Recognized him, But I just sighed, closed the door and Continue to wander around the building.


"Leeeaadeeer ..." Nino WAS

frustrated. Had gotten one in June of brilliant ideas and historical events Those Usually if Sakurai Sho ended up with hanging from a wire, it just meant to this time to film Until They WereWho knows when. And I HAD PLANS! Stuff to do! Mostly sleeping, really, pero June WAS sleeping That Should've Known Such a rare, precious gift and ruining That That - Such a lovely night, too, But not too warm not too cold - WAS group akin to betrayal. I Almost Wishes There Was a revolution so I Could execute him.

And They Were now ready to film. Except for the little issue Known as 'Ohno Satoshi' who That it WAS DECIDED Had a great time to showcase His amazing leadership skills and flaunt His Commitment to work. Such a staunch worker, Nino Thought and snorted out loud. Nobody

Had Had to ask him to go look for him. I WAS the first one to notice Ohno WAS nowhere to Be Seen. Not in the bathroom, Some Not resting behind prop. So I Had
gone out and checked the hallways, Some security guards Asked ... I Hated how much of an unassuming guy Ohno Could Be Sometimes. He Was an idol! I WAS supposed to sparkle, NOT to fade Into the background.

I started opening doors. Some rooms were empty, Others Were not and I Took Some pleasure in seeing people's startled faces. I could've done Without seeing the late-night affair with Some secretary WAS HAVING Another employee, though.

Finally, behind a door I missed Actually Had Earlier, I found him. It Was Some small, dark and damp storage room, But There Was Sleeping Ohno Without a care in the world.

I Looked comfortable. And Nino That Knew from experience, while sleeping on sofas WAS torture for historical back, sleeping on Ohnos Was A Different maAltogether tter. I checked

That Had nobody seen him, Enter the room and closed the door behind him. Would Plus
June strangle Them When - not if - I found Them and That Was always fun to watch.


Yamaguchi Had not Planned to wrap the night looking for a guitarist demented, pero His job entailed Had More Than always 'play the bass and look cool' . When I saw
a random Arashi member Immersed in the Same thankless task of Finding Leaders, I Almost Offered historical help - historical or condolences. But There Was Something That Was about it so pathetically cute That I Could not help but smile and go on merry way historical. After all, It Could Turn Into a good anecdote for appe Their next Music Stationtariff, Could it?

- WAS Sakurai

Starting to get worried. Ohno wandering off not was new and the staff Had gotten really adept at Finding him, so That Was normal. However, a missing Nino WAS Usually ... Worrying to say the least. If I Disappeared, He Was Probably up to Something and Something That Probably Involved him - or June, if He Was Lucky, But Then in June Would Be angry and They Would Have to bear the brunt of it.

So I Needed to find him. Quickly. Before I Fell asleep on the spot, standing like a giraffe.
I got out of the set and tried to think like Ohno. It did not work. Ohno too aware WAS for him and, at the Same time, too unattentive. Sho's mind Like That did not work. Leaps of logic Were Uncommon for him, even if lapses of judgment Were not.

I wanderer around the hallways, Until I decided to start thinking like Nino ... Probably Who Had found Ohno by Ohno and thinking like it WAS back to square one.

I sighed and started opening doors and Simply Asking people. By the third time somebody
yelle at him 'What is this? The Night of the Arashi Members Annoying? " Nino Had I decided to donate the Same and now it Was a matter of shrugging off people's looks and meaner words mean. By the Twentieth
door - or so it Seemed - I Finally Found Them, tangled in Their Sleep with nary a Thought on Their Minds. Sho Stiffler to yawn. The Sofa Might Have Been the room cramped and chilly Might Have Been, But I Knew It Was how to sleep comfortablenext to historical bandmates. Ohno and Nino squishy WAS not was as bony as I look. Plus They Were warm, so historical Lack of a jacket Would not matter. So yes, Jun and Aiba Would Be annoyed Would feel left out but ... I Did not Have the time to go look for Them and they'd come anyway, so it Would not hurt anybody if I just laid There and sleep, Would it?


Matsuoka Was Not Exactly looking for missing historical bandmates. I Was Just strolling to get the boredom out of historical system. Finding Them Would Be a welcome side-effect, though.
People Were looking at him oddly. Not the
'That's a Johhny! " Even the look or 'What have I done to His Head, Exactly? " one. No, It Was the 'It's late, I'm pulling a double shift and you'd Better Not Ask Me Any Questions at all ' one.
Oh, well, There Went His Plans for an interesting chat with a security guard ...


Aiba It Took Some Time to realize MOST of His Band WAS missing. I WAS the last one to film historical scenes And Then I Had tried to leave in June But Had Told him and halted him, in no Uncertain Terms, That I Had to find the Others or else. Aiba Knew That look. It Said 'ideas' and it Also Said' scary devotion to work 'and' Trying to show you guys That I care 'and' Remember That time I cried in the bathroom Because We Would not fly and Sakurai Sho, you're an evil evil man. " So I Had No Choice But to look for them. The first problem

That WAS the building WAS huge. And it lacken landmarks or anything That Would Distinguish from hallway to hallway B. They Were All white and wide. Not Exactly helpful. The second problem WAS
That Were His bandmates That annoying so MOST of the staff was unhelpful at best politely and rudely dismissing at worst.

I cursed in the quietest way possible. Did co-dependency Disturbing Imply telepathy, at least in the real world ... and Sometimes, it seems like They Had it come to expect That it did, and Aiba That WAS going to Be the telepathic nod. I wasn't, and He Was not That Good at problem solving Either, I WAS getting so frustrated. I strolled down

the hallways and he'd DECIDED That Every Other door open. It Might Have Been impractical, pero a part of him delighted inJune making smoke - I Knew He Was fuming and no, I did not mean That Was the telepath, Knew how Easily Because everybody got angry in June. Además, Jun Would Forgive Them in one second, so it WAS all in good fun. Aiba found

Them When I laughed. They Were like three little kittens, all huddled together for warmth. Their codependency Did not seem as Disturbing as before. In FACT, I WAS feeling all warm and fuzzy and proud. Because proud Stupidly Other Bands Might sneak out to smoke or do drugs or get drunk or pick up Some strippers - They Had tried eleven and it all ended with Nino Saying He Was Going to Change His Name to 'Sparkle Jones' and move to America - , But They escaped Their Obligations to sleep. It Was ridiculous and that's the way I liked it.

- C
HTMLXC Where the hell WAS
everyone else? Taichi shook His head and proceeded to explore the nearby hallway. There Were A Few doors lining it. Obviously this meant to That I Needed to try all of them to. I
Leader Expected to find historical usual dressed with good taste half-asleep hugging a broomstick or maybe Some entrance to a parallel world Johnny's WHERE WAS an academy for space pilots, But Not an Arashi pile. I Look to the sides, expecting to see a crew or at least a photographer, pero no such luck. It Was the genuine article. I Laugh and closed the door, But Not Before Taking a photograph. That'd be great for the next time Any of Them show up on Shonen Club Premium.

- June

WAS fuming, of course. He Kept muttering 'All this work for nothing, you ungrateful bastards' and thinking' And Then You leave me out, you bastard bastards. " I paced around the hallways and barked Into empty rooms And Call all Their cellphones and, of course, Ohno's Had run out of battery, and Aiba Had left historical at the studio, and Nino WAS Probably Not picking historical cellphone up Because He Was An Asshole . And of course

, It Was Given how late, Jun's brilliant idea and I Would not Be Used Hated the idea of HAVING wasted I could've Spent time sleeping or doing historical Something less hazardous to health. All I Asked for WAS Some consideration for the manager's historical and mental health ... But They Were Already crazy, the whole lot of them to be, It Did not Make Any Difference.

He Was Starting to get worried Because It Was Like That maybe one time with the strippers, and what if the paparazzi just so Happened to be there? Paparazzi Were Devoted Workers, after all and Serious about Their craft. Asked in June

Another security guard, pero this time, Instead of a shrug, I've got answers.

'Have you checked the room sofa? "

'The what? "

'The sofa room. People are always falling asleep There, it's like some kind of curse. "Cursed

sofas. Maybe That They Could turn Into a corner. Somehow. I stopped the mental planning and Decided to look for the room, enticing and sounder Because it just weird enough for Arashi.

"Hm. Where is it? "The guard

Some Gave him directions and after getting lost a FEW times - How Many Were There doors and hallways, Exactly? - I finally found a little door with no sign. I Opened it and snorted. But of course. Naptime. I was quite sure none of Them That Had Thought about him at all - They barely Thought on normal days or years, let alone DURING Crazy-Popularity-Ride-The-Wave-While-Lasts-It-Or-Else-You'll -Be-a-Washed-up-Senpai-Times. It still stung, But It Would Have Had not stung more if I have seen the clear space Aiba That Had entre left him and Sakurai, and the way Nino Opened His Eyes, Gave him a look and closed again Before Them Saying:

' Took you long enough, idiot. "


remove Nagase wasn't sure What to make of the scene in front of him. I Stood there, head cockedRather the side and a befuddled expression etched across His face.
'All I want to know is ... where did you find the beer? " I finally asked.

His band roared with laughter.

'Mabo here Apparently sweet-Talk Some cleaning lady, "Taichi said.

'I'm here to serve. "

'Hey, did you find Arashi on your way here? " Taichi
Gussa Asked
Nodder and Laugh like a drunk person would. 'They Were totally cute! Juniors It's like they're all over again. " Did not remove
follow. 'I Was looking for

you, guys. What does Arashi Have to do with anything? " Taichi Opened His Eyes wide. 'They're asleep in Some storage room.It's like fanservice When They're Not on the job. "

Gussa Nodder. 'That's Some dedication. "

'We'd Never Do That. We Have More Dignity, 'Mabo slurred with a smile on His face. Taichi

historical arms crossed. 'But is
Rather comfy, do not you think? " Nagase además His bandmates sat down and stole the bottle of beer from random Taichi's hands.
'No, I'm not. You do know we Have work to do, do not you? "

'We Can Stay a Little Longer here, can not we? " Joushima asked. Nagase

smile. 'I guess we Could. "

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