Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Herpes Simplex More Condition_symptoms TRUE LOVE

Ahhhhhh I know that occasionally come to this little corner of my feelings to write a few things that I get to the bottom of my heart. Most of the time I get complaining or cursing one another to be ruthless that hurt my feelings or made me angry. Few other times I have come to announce some Trinfo or joy.
But today, I come to announce the last two, because today 21 January (still) 2009 my little boy and I fulfill amorsh 1 year 11 months to live together a life of true love that would seem of those elders who have come to be seen walking hand in hand through the streets. And I say that I come to proclaim a triumph and a Aegri bythat those who have true love and have come to love and to give all his heart are able to understand that even though almost 2 years is enough, might even be a month and be considered a great challenge and why not? Also a joy.
not want to sound like I'm giving a speech to those that occur in the wedding party of friends or relatives to the newlyweds, so only in short and brief as you would if Abraham you were writing it today and now can express all the joy of my heart that's never ever felt so happy with my boyfriend someone like Abraham and Iright now I can say openly without remorse I do not care nor do I care the longer my fairy tale. I can only say that every woman in his life sounds find their own fairy tale prince and his perfect blue ... I found it this time and I no longer keep it to myself just for me, I want to tell the world (in case someone comes to read this sometime: P) that finally, FINALLY, I feel that I have become happy with the man of my life. I want to scream I AM THE WORLD AS A LOMBRIZZZZ jajajajajaja FELIZZZZZZZZZ

And something else I want to add my amorsh if you read this is that: No matter what happens, [probablement this end one day but queram notyears, may be not actually be my prince and I your princess ... It could be many things, but by then NO matter because all this time we've been together, all these things we have spent together will n always worth it, even the most stupid attempt because I think we play to be together for something, and that something I at least I can call LOVE. Because this love I feel and how long I repressed for fear that you do not feel the same about me, now felízy makes me feel good that you know, I feel good that everybody knows what and above all, I like senrtir what I feel right now. It is a pity that the beautiful things or feelings so no duren always, because forces must suffer. But no matter, because my heart is full of love for my fortune, has learned to balance the good and bad ... Anyway, thanks for making me so happy, you're a wonderful man, the best so far I've met already to be crossed "El Charco". If you change, it is for your good and not anyone else ... In return for all this alone I hope you are as happy as I was and that someday I can express yourself in life and Your happiness as well as I do, if I am the protagonist in your story, THAT GOOD! But do not be a requirement, I just hope to make you really happy to help you to findis the path that leads to it. I want many things with you, I want a world ... When you have money, buy you a star is called: CLAUDIABRAHAM hahaha.

And sha almost to the end, I add one more thing: Just as a curiosity
my amorsh yesterday it was a little bit, a tiny detail that many will be silly but for me a long life attempts, a gift and a glorious victory. Yesterday, on the grounds of extraniarme only speak from my phone!! Hahaha I said, a very tiny little thing, but only I know my amorsh not used to be and to do that is wonderful ... For almost a week of not seeing him because he already returned to Ensenada, I extranio talk a lot and always in my thoughts, and as if by magic, he alone responded and called me yesterday, I extrania and that to me was the greatest gift so far has given me

MORAL: no matter how many gifts you give or how much it cost, never NEVER exceed pqeuqnios details if they're worth in life.



Atte. Army Clav


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