Fandom: JE fandom [Arashi]
Original Story: (Probably) The Most Pointless Day Of The Year by
Pairing: Arashi ; Ohmiya Summary
It's useless to wonder Exactly What He Was from escaping. Maybe It Was From His life, from historical past or from Himself. What triggered Had It Was Fairly Obvious, But The Fact That MOST people do not get on Their car and drive aimlessly for days after Being dumped Still Remains. The result Was the same: a sort of numbness, a mix of caring and caring Not too much, little money left and way too much baggage.
Wordcount: 1030
Notes: This remix has More Than One part. In order to read The Other Ones, You Have to click the hearts! Click Themes in order or randomly!
And a link to the first part , So You Can Understand how it works. She'd
always loved Valentine's Day and it Had always annoyed him. But I put up with it and Brought her flowers, her chocolate Accepted. Then he'd Give It to June and she never found out, Because He Did not like to hurt her-even if everything I did hurt her. So now, Every Time That Came around Valentine's Day, I figured That if I WAS drunk enough, I Would Forget That It Was Probably Valentine's Day in the first place (and Possibly Even What it was).
That's What MOST people think, But Should it stand to reason That it wasn't working, at least in historical case. He Himself Had Been Drinking to oblivion for months and, at That point in time, I Did not even know WHERE I WAS. Some Fishermen village, lost in the country, Where Nothing Ever Happens and nothing ever will. The name is irrelevant, as Are time and Reasons. What Matters Is That He Was here drinking and it WAS raining. Had I run out of gas A Few hours ago and wasn't events remotely Interested in historical Leaving car for an Uncertainly safe walk to the near village. Were the lights dim and the silence Surrounded him. His little, old, WAS car rattled like a fortress and king He Was There. I Took Another sip of whiskey (or sake or vodka or gin) and the strong warmth Shrugged when to hit him.
It's useless to wonder Exactly What He Was from escaping. Maybe It Was From His life, from historical past or from Himself. What triggered Had It Was Fairly Obvious, But The Fact That MOST people do not get on Their car and drive aimlessly for days after Being dumped Still Remains. The result Was the same: a sort of numbness, a mix of Not caring and caring too much, little money left and way too much baggage.
Slowly, I WAS falling tosleep, safety Be Damned. When He Was Just Starting to dream, somebody knocked on His windshield and jolt him out of a precious dream started with a rollercoaster That Could Have ended and anywhere. I wiped out the condensation and saw a smiling fisherman. The guy WAS Completely soaked and did wavy motions Towards the car. Nino, Forgetting Given Every safety advice ever, open the door.
'Oh, thanks! I Was just wondering if you Could take me home ... '
' There's no gas. "
" Oh. "
They Stood silently in the rain for a while, looking at the sky Nino , Ohno looking at historical oversized boots.
'You Can Stay with me Until the rain stops. If you want. "
The stranger's eyes widen and so did His Smile.
'You're very Generous,' He Said, as I Enter the car and remove Himself made at home. Followed suit
Nino and the silence crept up again, Until I felt the Need to shatter it. Instead of screaming like I wanted to do, I Gave the bottle I Had the stranger never stopped gripping. I saw a vague nod and jump up back to stare at the rain. When it Became
unbearable again, I tried to talk But somehow, it felt so precious I Fell Into Silence back yet again. I started to watch His unexpected guest. Older Than I look is not thirty But Had A Certain childlike quality. I WAS all innocence and calm.
I reacheddar out His hand But let crash when I made the strangeness of the situation.
'Oh, I'm Ohno by the way. "
' Pleased to meet you. I'm Ninomiya. "
The bottle Went back and forth Several times and child to make an intimate gesture What It Could Be. Their hands Touched But They Said nothing at all, as If They Had Known Each Other for ages and this Were A Common Occurrence.
I Had not talk, let alone Touched someone for weeks, let alone random strangers. But He Was not stranger now, wasn't he? I WAS Ohno and, at the moment, Ohno WAS closer to him Than anybody else on Earth. Particularly Because He Did not care I WAS tired ofComplicated feelings and of caring. I WAS tired of everything, I only wanted to forget and move on and His mind Imagining Fairly creative WAS Ways of doing so.
Did not take Long Before It Actually Nino Gained enough courage (or stupidity) to kiss Ohno. I Wait for the punch That never came. Instead, I found Drown Into Himself an Even stranger situation. It felt
Completely natural and logic to Be half-naked with a villager from a tiny little village in Who Knows Where. And in a car. Now historical break-up made sense ... Because kissing Ohno (That Was His Name and eleven I Remembered it, I Could not Stop whispering it over and over) WAS much more enjoyable Than Any kiss he'd shared with her. Smarter Than She Was always him, I Remembered.
'It's stopped raining, "I've Heard and it felt like Being woken up all over again.
'Should I go back. "
' Oh, I see."
They Stood Still, still undressed and Trying to look a little normal.
'You ... you CAN eat, too. It's uncomfortable to sleep in a car. "
'But ...'
'Beside, You Need to take a shower." Nino
Laugh and accepted. Every time it's Rain, it's stopped and I HAD to stop grieving too someday.
‘ Before ... But let's finish this, shall we? "
*** The next morning
, Ohno Accompanied him to the car.
'Thanks for the gas. "
' No problem." They Stood
Uncomfortably. WAS The sun drying up the mud and Ohno's mother Had Given Nino the best I Had Had breakfast in ages.
'You know ...'
I WAS about to tell him to come visit him in the city, But I Knew It Could not Happen and Bringing Up The Possibility That Would tarnish the memory.
"It'sa pretty landscape, is not it?"
'Uh? Yeah, I guess. "
'I like to draw. I love fishing too, But I love drawing. Sometimes I wonder if I should've left this place, But I think I can spend my life just drawing this place over and over again. "
That Was His answer then.
'You know, I'ma songwriter. "
' Really? It sounds cool. "
Nino laughed.
'Yeah, and when i get home, I'm going to write a song to stolen kisses and backseats and Great Things Not Meant to last and fateful meetings. "Ohno
just smile.
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