Monday, August 10, 2009

Hepatitis-c More Condition_symptoms [JE Fandom] Life goes on [The I Still Love U Remix]

Title: Life goes on [The I Still Love U Remix]
Fandom: JE fandom [Arashi]
Original Story: (Probably) The Most Pointless Day Of The Year by [info] saturn_necklace
Pairing: Arashi ; Ohmiya Summary
After A Few moments of Trying to ignore the hangover from hell on earth and remember What Had Happened the night before, Something clicked in Ohno's mind.
Genre: Angst
Wordcount: 758
Notes: This remix has More Than One part. In order to read The Other Ones, You Have to click the hearts! Click Themes in orrder or randomly!
And a link to the first part , So You Can Understand how it works.

After A Few moments of Trying to ignore the hangover from hell on earth and remember What Had Happened the night before, Something clicked in Ohno's mind and I made That WAS Nino still clinging to him But the sun WAS high Were and birds singing. Rain Would Have Been more fitting, But you can not ask for everything, can you? Not

I decided to nudge Nino for the Time Being. Instead, the foregone conclusion he'd stall for as long as it WAS possible. I was good at stalling and in this case, it WAS events What They needed. A simple pause Before the end, a moment to contemplar everything, Some inStant Given to the mourning. Their lives

Had Been Rushed so always pause-less and so the idea of ever That Having a moment to just stop and think now sounder ridiculous events. I still Had not Been Able to take in the information, Even if the goodbye party Had Been a month ago. Deep down, I Thought That a month from then, a year from then, they'd Have A tour, a new single, Something. And of course, there'd Be But That Was reunion tours so far down the road That They Sound Impossible. Because How Can There Be a reunion if you Still Have not Understood There's Been a separation?

So I Had to stop and think. I watched Nino's sleeping form and Slightly Touched His nose. I still Looked 17, Though It and Smiled to Himself. It was easy to pretend Time Stood Still Ignored if I squinted and how old I felt.

Stop and think. Accept it. Move on from denial and try to paint a brand new tomorrow.

There Was Nothing They Could Do, after all. The night before Had Been an illusion, an indulgence But Both Of Them Knew That woke up the second Nino (or stopped pretending to Be asleep), they'd part ways. They Had Been

pretending Nino Since Eichmann up at Ohno's door. I WAS drunk and Not Keeping it together well That, But It Had not Mattered. Ohno Had him in and let him historical couch Offered as always. They were great actors and acting naturally meat after so Many Years of Being Japan's perfect boyfriends and ThenHusbands and maybe events Grandfathers. But over and Those Days Were Both Of Them Knew it.

However, Ohno Nino pushed away Had not Had When I kissed him Even If It Was useless now, Because They Were So Many old and years of friendship Could not just evaporate. Now it WAS filled with nostalgia for all Had Never Happened and What That Was the worst kind. I kissed

Nino's forehead and regret crushed him like a demolition ball. It Was all over now and Their Love Had Became That so entangled with Arashi Arashi it shattered the moment Called it quits. They Had Always Known, But They chose to ignore it. All of Them. It Had Been
astoundingly stupid, But youth is always astoundingly stupid. Sometimes it works for the best, sometimes recklessness opens all the cans and lets out all the worms But They've Never Been careless. You Can not Be careless and stalkers with cameras and paparazzi. Now Arashi WAS

over and so Were They, at least the 'Them' That Had Each Other so dearly loved and so silently. They Had to shed old skins and Become Their new, improved version people. It Was a chance to evolve, to do whatever They Want. To go wild with Scandals or to quietly fade away like the dreams They Had always been. It Was a good thing, I Thought Desperately. Finally I Could Be an individual, free and alone.

Could I now move to the country, near the sea, and paint all day. And Sometimes fish and sing old songs with a bitter voice. Nino Could write the songs he Actually wanted to write and write only for Himself and sing new songs with a bitter voice.
It was good, wasn't it? What they'd Been Waiting for. Maybe I Could Actually travel and see Seoul. Could I read all the books in June always Talked about and watch all the movies You Should See Before Dying. This Was the chance of a lifetime, the chance to Actually Have A lifetime. But

Gave When He finally nudged in and Nino and They Said He Was goodbye and left alone in His tiny flat, I was glad Nino and lied Had Promised to call, to keep in touch. After all, the best kind of the ones Promises Were Not Meant to Be Kept.

WAS This entry originally posted at http://riendasuelta.dreamwidth .org/10223.html . There Please comment using OpenID.


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