Christmas Fandom: Arashi
Wordcount: 1.900
Genre: Humour , gen, fluff.
Summary: Even if Nino 've never liked Christmas That much, it's not like I CAN get away from Christmas at June's.
Author's Notes: Written for
Thanks for my beta,
've Never Been Nino
much of a Christmas guy. He'd like to say it's Because He's an example of perfect feudal Japanese spirituality, But if I have to be honest it's Simply Because BUYING gifts for girls is kind of a hassle. They're never clear enough and the ones That Were Were Also pushy and Their Tastes Were too difficult. So
for Nino, December is Simply That month in Which I Rehearsed for winter-themed performances and tries to keep the balancing out of His Head THOUGHTS, Even If I can not. Because ChristmMight Not Be as important, But Still Feels New Year like a milestone. The most important historical milestone of the year Might Be November 15th, But the first day of a new year still Carries an aura of change and good omens.
Every year, as I sings and dances and smiles for the crowd, I can not help but balance.
I never ASKs the rest What Their Plans for Christmas are. In FACT, I Usually Learns about birthdays from Their manager. He Does not mind BUYING gifts for Them, though. I Can Read Their Needs and it's an instant way to show I cares, Even if I never ASKs.
In turn, They Do not mind telling him. In FACT, They Insist Their on talking about Christmas or GoldWhatever in Week or Day Plans in great detail. In loving, painstaking detail.
And Then They regale him with long, winding tales of girls and romantic walks-through the snow.
He's sure it's payback for never-ending historical tales of sexual prowess.
He's not sure if theirs as Are as fake as his.
Nino is Trying to sleep and the van lulls him softly. He peeks out the window and Sees Some nameless city blur by. He lowers "His cap, Trying to cover His eyes. Every inch of His body Ache. June
just murmurs incessantly Beside him, pero historical lifting arm to punch him is too tiring. He glances at
Jun. Hes counting fingers and stuff with no historicalw child realizes whats happening - Jun've Been Changing His Mind About Who to ask out for Christmas Since October. I have a list. Then I crosses names and writes them down again. He lists pros and cons and ignore hell ASKs for advice.
'Just pick somebody Them or I'll pick out for you', Nino growls and lowers "cap a little more historical.iv. June
Should Know Better Than to leave unattended bag near historical historical bandmates, Because the list is way too visible. Its sitting on a table and June is nowhere to Be Seen. Its Almost too easy. Nino steals it
DURING one of Their breaks. He reads the names. Theyre all pretty and fun and chic and nice. The perfect Christmas. He steals
Sho's pen and writes down Arashi's names with perfect calligraphy. Even He Does not bother to put it back in His place. He just waits
Until June stomps back Into the room - Jun Either stomps or struts, not strolling for him - And Then Nino Gives it to him with a wide smile. Then in June takes it and frowns. That child knows frown. It's bad news.
'It's just a joke. I know you don't want us as a date, 'he says. His chin and strokes in June Then He hammers Into His Eyes Nino's. 'Oh, no, Do not Confess! Not right now! "June Takes a chair, Sits down and reads the list again. 'Maybe You are right. After all, Christmas is for the family, is not it? "Nino Sits down too. It's as much as he'll Give Jun. encouragement "'And Arashi is family, right? So maybe we Could spend it together. "
'Because I want to spend a romantic night with my co-workers . Right. Do not buy the stuff we say for the magazines, Jun. I only grope you in a professional way. " Carefully June
folds the list again and puts it down on the table. 'You're the One That Our wrote down names. "'As a joke. Because it's preposterous. " June
taps the table and pushes the list Towards Nino. 'Never mind then. We'll just Have a party without you. "
'It Will not Be a party without me. " He crosses historical events Arms Without thinking. June
Then him and leans back on His chair. 'You're in charge of the drinking then. "
'Do you remember Aiba's birthday party last year? " JuneTakes out a notepad out of historical bag and starts writing down stuff. He Does not look up at Nino. 'It's all a blur. And that's why you're Buying the booze. Beside, I can handle the cooking and I'm sure will find Sho Some neat about Traditions to help enliven the night. "
'I'm Only Accepting Because You Have terrible taste in booze,' he says and Then He Takes the list. V.
The Amount of books and print-outs and magazines is Impressive. Nino Feels sorry for the poor That manager has to carry around That, Because sure as hell isn't Sho Carrying Them around.
'June is crazy, "Nino says, staring at Them.'We already know That.,' Sho replies. He's engrossed in Some That magazine has it all over Rs backwards. CHTMLNino
XC pokes a stack of papers That Then crumbles. 'I know. I Enjoy Being just right. "
'You could've said no,' Sho says And Then puts the magazine on top of two books.
'And leave you to face the beast alone? No, I'm an honorable man. "
'So any ideas? "
'Yes. Could we cancel it. "
'This Was Your Child doing, NOT ours. Además, 'Sho Makes a dramatic pause. He likes Thos. 'Actually you want this. " Nino
Focus on the stack of papers Sho has printed out. It's research. Silly stories of Families in front of the fire and pictures of snow and beaches
? 'What's this place? "
'Australia! Is not it cool? Christmas During The Summer There is so They Have picnics on thebeach and drink wine and get sunburnt.''Sounds perfect for Ohno, then. Wait. They Have Christmas in July
? "
'No, the Other Way Around. Have They summer in December. You did not know that? "
'Right. I Knew That. " Nino tries to picture it. He Remembers His place is how chilly When He gets home and how Difficult it is to get up in the morning. Are people really jumping Into swimming pools as he's slipping on frost? 'But ... it's weird, is not it? To think That while we're here, freezing to death, they're on the beach surfing. "
'I guess? It's Just the Way Things Are. "
'Are not you curious events? About why it's that way? "
'Well, I'd be. If I did not know. " Nino
historical crosses arms. 'So you know?Explain it then. " Sho
to orange from historical grabs lunch. 'If the orange is the Earth ...' He positions it on the floor with polished historical, Almost Perfect hands. Nino spends way more time is healthy Than staring at Arashi's hands, But its not His fault if Remarkable historical bandmates Have all hands. His bandmates Also Have A Tendency weird science to make Demonstrations using every-day objects.
'If the orange is the Earth, Then this flowerpot is the sun, right? As the Earth turns around the sun, it gets farther away from the sun and Malthus, We Have winter and summer, 'Sho continues.
Nino Takes the orange and it starts peeling. 'It Does not make sense. If It Were That Way, Then it Should Be the Same all around the world. And it's not, so you're wrong. "
'Then what's your theory, Then? "
'Hm. Maybe it has to do with how the Earth spins, Not with how it turns. It Does not Need the Sun for everything, you know? "
'The Earth is Not as self-reliant as you, Nino,' Sho says. Nino
historical eats just orange.
vi. Does Nino events
Need to try to keep the party out of His head, as I have is Swamped with work.'Hey, Nino, What are we drinking in the party? Have You Already Bought It? " Aiba ASKs.
Of course, I Could Forget about it. If the rest Did Insist on it. All the time.
'Something I'm sure the party will Happen and Will Be Cancelled. Maybe There Will Be an earthquake or maybe Godzilla will show up, 'he replies.
'But In That case, the public Would ask for Arashi to save them and we'll Have to reveal we're secretly superheroes and Will Be Our cover blown, Nino. " Why do fans think
Aiba is innocent and good natured, again? He puffs. They'd be great superheroes, anyway. 'I'll buy beer. That's All We Need, 'he says, lifting His beer mug.
Aiba Nino laughs and pats on the head. Wishes child I did not. They're in public after all. 'I've been reading, Nino! "
Famous last words. Aiba
goes on. 'And I think we Should do it the Bulgarian way. "
'What? When did you Become Bulgarian? "
'When I found out They Have the Greatest ever Christmas Traditions. Did You Know They Do not eat chicken forChristmas? Not Even meat! They Have vegetarian dishes. Tons of vegetarian dishes and They Must Be An Uneven number or it is bad luck. " Ohno
shifts in Nino's arms. 'That sounds delicious. "
'It is. They eat baked pumpkin! And Something Called
banitza That sounds amazing. And Then They lit up this log and They stay up all night With their family. All Their family. Cousins and sisters and aunts. But kids go to sleep. Is not it amazing? "
Aibas Eyes Are filled with somebody else's happy Christmas memories and historical Nino drinks whole glass.
'No? Imagine it. A loud Bulgarian family around you all night. That's the stuff nightmares Are Made of. Even I do not like it one little bit, 'he says eleven he's put it down. CHTM
Ohno LXC stands up, Nino surrounds with historical arms and Stare at him. 'We May Not Be Bulgarian, but I'm sure you like us. A lot. " Aiba
historical taps knees and smiles. 'Do you think That Becoming a Bulgarian citizen is hard? " Nino
historical rolls eyes and wonders if There's some kind of Bulgarian He Can buy hard liquor, Because He's Going to Need it.
It's Not That Nino does not like Christmas Carols, it's just that after listening Them for three straight hours he's Starting to Doubt Jun's music taste.
'But Then,
Yabai Yabai Yabai proof
Was Enough ...' I murmurs. Jun's couch is comfy and Sho's lap events is comfier The warm and tingly feel of hard Liquors isHis running-through veins - Nino wonders if
Translates as' Let's get drunk! " - Feels full stomach and historical. Allegedly Ohno is drawing a portrait of Them Are in June and Aiba and washing the dishes. The table is still full of half-full glasses of cider and pannetonne and streamers and crackers crumbs and half-eaten melon and ham - Who Would Have Thought It Tastes so good. 'Should not we be Leaving? " I says, When I made the clock has struck midnight long ago.
'We Have Exchanged gifts events yet, "says June.
He's not in the kitchen anymore, Aiba is filling current socks socks, NOT fancy decorative stuff with candy and Ohno is staring out of the window. Sho is searching Jun's CD collection. Great. Nomore carols.
'But Do not You Have a Date? It's getting late ... " June
grabs a blanket and covers him. It's fluffy and ragged. Child clings to it. 'Let's put it this way - somebody DECIDED for me and I can not say I'm unhappy about it. "
Nino smiles. 'But I'm not helping clean up in the morning. "
'Do not worry, nobody Expects you to. "
Outside, the snow storm Rages On.
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