Fandom: Gunnerkrigg Court
Wordcount: 1.175
Genre: Gen
Summary: Zimmy 've Always Been the Minotaur maze lost in her own , pero her Theseus is kind ..
Author's Notes: Written for
The quotes come from a series of such by Jorge Luis Borges and clumsily Were the translations done by me, Since I Had no access to Any translated version of historical work.
'Do nott multiply the mysteries, 'I Told him. 'These Must Be simple. Remember Poe's stolen letter, remember Zangwill's locked room. "
'Or complex,' replied Dunraven. 'Remember the Universe. "- Ibn-Hakam the Bojarí, Dead in his Labyrinth
She Sees Eye to Eye When It starts with dogs. At first, it only at night Attacks When She Closes her eyes and sleep. She starts sleeping in the bathtub to keep it at bay, But Then it does not work anymore. She opens the shower and the water is a relief; STI down sound muting the screams and the crawling, the incessant crawling.
Mother Does not Know it, Mother can not know if she Knew It Because She Would not stop it, It Would Eat Her Alivee. Nobody Can Help Her, Not Even the Sun, Not Even the Rain - It Does not Often enough rain, rain It Does not strong enough. The maze isTaking over her games, it's Taking Over her mind. Inside the maze, nobody has faces. She murmurs a poem she eleven Heard from her mother - Faceless
sultry and lay the lion overpowering, Facelessfaceless wonders She Who Was Who Was the king and the slave. Maybe They Were all one and the Same. Lions Are, after all, kings of the jungle - But They Are Their Own Desires of slaves, slaves of Their Own Destinies. Zimmy
the stricken slave, the king
Sits on the dirt and starts drawing squiggly lines with her tiny, bony fingers. Do not cross the lines at first, But Then They start to Meet in perfect angthem. The maze gets WIDER WIDER and grow messier and the lines, the lines grow deeper. She
Closes her eyes and the lines continue, Deep Deep inside. ***
- Biography of Tadeo Isidoro Cruz
Time Erases Everything and memory is no exception. The maze warm slowly eroded the banks of her childhood and she got lost at sea, away from everybody's reach. WAS hand not long enough and strong Were not enough arms to help her from sinking. So she let her bring her weight down, so she'll Reach That someday she'll Reach the bottom and thenumbing calm of death, the cold sleep That Signals the end.
She wanders the world alone, Because her mirror is cracked and There's no reflection. One of a kind, a kind That Should not exist, an abomination of nature, a ripple in reality. She knows it and she smiles and her teeth Are fangs.
Fate Shall Not Be kind to her, she Reasons, Because she Shall Not Be kind to anybody. Fate plays with say But Not Directed to STI darts with toys. Zimmy
hugs her knees and the tears Will not come out, only the anger.
And Then it happens. A flash of light, a light summer rain in her mind. She glances up and There she is. One of a kind, a kind That Almost Does not exist, an angel out of a dream, Almost fictional in her kindness. CHTM
Zimmy LXC and grabs her hand and they run. Towards the end of the world, Towards the End of Their Rope. ***
- Circular Ruins
When They set foot in the Court for the first time, it's like Zimmy's mind, Vast and wide and full of corners and corridors That Once and Twice bend and forever. But it's sterile and theres no spiders, no Things That crawl through the walls.
Then she Feels the eyes, intently watching her and she growls, she hides And Then they're gone. She
Takes Gamma Gamma's hand and smiles.
But she's not smiling at Zimmy, she's smiling at everybody, her smile shines on All These new people, new people All These That Have No right to enjoy That Shine. All These New People Who Have Not Seen What She's seen. She scowls and she snorts. She wanders Through the maze in her mind And Then She's out, Outside in the great maze it.
- Theologians
It's the fire, the never ending fire. It spreads across Zimmy's mind whenasee she's near. The maze Endures the fire, Even When the flames engulf it, But it retreats a little Every Time. Annie
shines, But it Does not Know. Sometimes Zimmy pitied her, pitied her innocence, pitied and Annie knows how little you send. Annie Does
understand? Maybe Annie's mind Loses Sometimes all track of reality too, maybe her past hunts her like Zimmy's does, maybe she wakes at night grasping for air and running away from her nightmares. But for Zimmy
There's no night and no day, just an endless nightmare and one beacon of hope.
Annie has one too, a partner, a companion. More than a friend, More Than a sister, More Than a lover - her other half, her better half. What they Would Have Been If They Were not broken. CHTMLX
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The Garden of Forking Paths
Zimmy lets her hand slide on the tree and the bark itches. It's a cherry tree and it's in full bloom. She's never sBefore it een, Even if she crawls like it Through the Court Was Her home - maybe it is, now. The sun hides behind puffy clouds and the sky is the color of lead. She wonders why
There it is. Who Brought it? What for? She wonders why she cares events. Just a pretty tree and soft grass and the wind blows softly. A thousand possibleReasons, A Thousand possible outcomes. For the tree, for her, for the Court and the world.
A thousand roads to take or to ignore. Maybe There's a Zimmy That Never Saw That tree, maybe There's a Zimmy That Never saw the maze. Gamma
Against the tree lies and sleeps. It's a quiet sleep. Sits Zimmy además her and leans her head on her shoulder. She Takes Gamma's hand and maybe she knows That There AreNot cherry trees shading the Other Zimmys, But There's a Gamma sleeping right next to Each One of Them.
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