Thursday, January 7, 2010

Comp Stock 870 Knoxx Ebay [JE fandom] Hello, you fool, I love you [1 / 2]

Title: Hello, you fool, I love you
Fandom: JE fandom [Arashi / KAT-TUN, mentions of Mostar Other groups]
Pairing: Kamenashi Kazuya / Ueda Tatsuya
Wordcount: 11.700
Summary: Down-on-his-luck paparazzo Knew It Was Tatsuya Ueda trouble the second I stepped Into That damned set. In a Desperate Attempt to Save His tabloid from going under, I goes undercover at the set of the craziest movie of the century and Finds More Than What He Had bargained for.
Notes: This fic has to download soundtrack You Can! You're supposed to listen to it while reading. Each "**" indicates That You Should Go to the next song. Written for CHT
e Was So thick'd Have Need an ax to cut it. I Wonderer Who Had Green Light That movie, Because Everybody Knew That MOST of the overblown egos of the industry Were Involved, Not to mention Some Of The Most scandal-prone as well. Technicians [info] Were Already losing patience and it wasn't the second day events. Yokoyama, Whose company - Kanjani 8 FX - Was in charge of the special effects, Had Told Me That Were His co-workers all on the verge on breakdown. For example, Nishikido, Also Known as 'That Sound Guy That Ruined The Shot' Had gone from mildly annoying to full blown saboteur. I Could see and sense and smell everybody's sweat from tired Foreheads slowly dropping. I did not pity Them That Much, though. They Certainly Were Getting Better Paid than me. Their studio Was a big scary monster But The magazine's Financial state Disastrous That Was So my latest scoop, 'Racoon steals kids' ice-cream', got front page. Nakamaru So, in a desperate bid, Had Sent Me to the set. I Was catering undercover as a girl and I would rather talk about how I Not Had to hide my camera. Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid. I Had Been sitting in a corner for ages, waiting for Something to Happen. You'd Have Thought That the sheer overabundance of ego in place That Would Have Already Caused Several fist fights, pero no such luck. Maybe It Was Because the first day of filming, nobody DARED to make a fuss. I Was uneasy and nervous, Because Akanishi Jin, action hero and supermodel banger, Had Been eyeing me all day long with not very innocent intent. I Could not Rely on my being to man to Be a problem so I tried to Avoid him as much as I Could. Tomohisa Yamashita, the other half of Japan's Dumbest comedy duo (and That was quite a feat), WAS on set as well And That only made the situation more Dangerous.
I glanced at my watch again and saw That I Had Been stuck in the stupidest place in Earth for twelve hours. Nakamaru could very well Be The editor and my boss, But I Was too hot to care. Beside [info], Yamashita WAS elbowing Akanishi and pointing at me. Rumours surrounding the I Knew Them to be true and I wasn't and Stock Taking chances. Who Knew a bunch of comedians named 'Pink and Redder' could get laid so much. I hid in the broom closet I first saw and changed as quickly as possible. Little I Knew That HAVING to carry a leather jacket around in 37 º weather Was the least of my problems. Oh, WAS ignorance bliss. I tried to move as innocently as I Could-after all, sets Are very busy places. I Was Fairly doing a good job fighting When a man glowering His own scarf stepped out of a dressing room and Stood in the middle of the hallway. I Immediately Recognized him. It Was Matsumoto Jun, former Rising Star Turn award-winning scriptwriter. Thought I'd always behind the scenes Being him Was a waste. I Had Always Been a gift to tabloid writers everywhere, pero scriptwriter Since nobody reads the name, the crazy Rumours Always Stay in the industry. I've had only seen two of His infamous Tantrums, But One Had ended withthe police Saying It Was the Greatest party ever They've crashed and the second one included an Indian elephant Had flown in just for the occasion. Had Potential Maybe this shoot after all. 'I'm done, Ninomiya! Accepting I'm not stupid any more of your changes. And All is Not filming a nude scene just stupid pubescent kids to bring to my movie. " [info] 'Then We'll Have an audience full of grannies! " When He Was joined by Ninomiya Kazunari, the executive producer managed to create That Had full season anime series on a budget of 500 yen and Diet Coke, I Knew this was my breakthrough story. He Was Shorter Than I imagined. 'At least They Have Better Taste Than You, you ... you philistine! "
It Was going to get uglyso I jump and ran in the opposite direction, thinking I WAS going to be safe. Instead, my life twirled and twirled off the road. A Suddenly Open and door Before I Knew It, I Was in the middle of Those meeting cute scenes from the movies. But INSTEAD of catching an idol or Audrey Hepburn in my arms, I got a screaming diva That Instantly started to hit me with a script.
Trying Not to be even more noticeable, I pushed the banshee Into the room and closed the door. It Was a weird dressing room. I Could Tell There Were Several mirrors, But They Were all cover up. An Eiffel Tower made of Pepsi Max bottles WAS in the middle of the room and Several Dozens of lilies littered the room. A poster of Italian neorealism Some movie decorated the wall. It
wasn't a weird room. It Was a star's dressing room and if the lilies and Sophia Loren Were Any indication, I Knew Exactly Whose. I cornered Me Against the door, But my Reflexes were good so I Avoided MOST of historical hits.
'What the fuck?! Are you crazy? Stop hitting me with That damn script! " Before I froze

throwing it at ne and muttered:

'You're the one Who tried to kidnap me. "

'Kidnap you? You've been watching too much movies. "

'Then why are you here? Why did you lock us in this room, huh? "

'I'm just a fan. "

I just Realized He Was Had Kamenashi Kazuya, Japan's Most Popular Leading Man. Among teenage girls and middle-aged Women at least. His movies Were A mix
ture of diabetic cheesiness, Forced romantic plots, cinematic conservatism and greedy capitalism.

sure I Looked Different Without make-up. Like I Was a real person and Not an imaginary construct.

He Did not answer and INSTEAD His eyes squinted.

'You're a paparazzi, I know it. "

I wasn't as stupid as I Thought.

'I'm a fan, I swear. Loved you in
'The Secrets That She Keeps'
. Your performance in the death scene was really moving. Gave me a whole new perspective
on cancer. " He Was

flatterer. Actors are so easy to figure out. I Learnt That in film school. Then I Realized directors and scriptwriters and
Producers Were more complex.
'Thank you, I did
'Oh, it will. I will make sure of That. " His voice sounder

a little bit scary. If the movie Psycho Had a Signature Ninomiya, I WAS nailing it.

'Oh, how? "

'By Akanishi and Yamashita Keeping in line, of course. You Can Tell That to your journalist friends, you paparazzi scum. "

I Waved my hand around.

'You got it all wrong. I'm just with the Cinematography department. "

'I see your camera, asshole. "

Damn it.

'This? Just an old thing, nothing important. Photography is a hobby of mine. " I

historical arms crossed and stared at me.

'Let me warn you: there Shall Be Scandals not in this set, so you Better go now or I'll go you. "Despit

The Fact That I Could Have Easily knocked down legions of guys Several historical size, Something told me this one stand Could
historical ground and jump up so I Bowed out.

I smoked a little Outside And Then Went to the magazine's headquarters. Nakamaru Owed me a damn apology.

Of course, all I have to say WAS
Had Good work. Now, Why Did not you take a picture of historical room?
I rolled my eyes and
Prepared for another day of hard, hard work.

*** The studio WAS

as crazy and as ridiculous as the day before. A guy holding a microphone WAS Some flirting with actress unremarkable, the kind of actress that's always on the verge of getting her big berce. It wasn't working. I Had Been Called 'gal' seven times so far and it
Would only get worse. It always gets worse.

I Stood in the middle of the hallway with my debonair attitude MOST Determined But of course, a janitor dog only look tired, dejected and ready to jump
out of a window. I fiddled with the broom, Avoided eye contact and tried to ignore the big flashy sign
Said That

Kamenashi Kazuya.

Had I only been there for five minutes by chance when to have Eichmann up with a stupid smile in His lips and a demure look in His eyes. I cringed and
Focus on my brand new shoes, now Covered in dirt.

'You're the World's Most stylish janitor, that's for sure. "

I grunted.

I giggled.

I found it cute.

'Oh, dear, you can not convinces me of your gruff manliness no matter how much you grunt. "

I started slowly caressing my ... broom. I did not dare to look up.

'I'm not the one with purple nails. "

'I play a rocker Vampirate. It's character. "

I look up and saw him. His make-up Could've Been in a painting exposition and Fauvist Apparently I Had a rainbow squid on His Head
INSTEAD of hair. I stifled a laugh.

'You play a what? Was not this an art house film? A Serious, thoughtful film? "

I twitched.

'Ninomiya-san Decided to spice it up a little. "

'And Said Matsumoto just nothing? "

'Nah, I added half an hour of silence to the script. "

That He Was pleased with Development. I Remembered That Some People Thought Kamenashi WAS vying for seriousness as an actor. It Was a doomed
attempted. Once you start in stuff like 'The Veterinarian That Found Love', you can not take it back.

'He Thinks That Letting Ninomiya is one pass? "
'No. He's just an alien WHO WANTS to take over the Earth and this September is historical first step. " I Gave the matter more Than Thought WAS Warrant (or maybe not) And Then DECIDED it not was unsound. Or maybe I Was distracted by
Kame's scrawny legs.

"Our magazine has ethics; That We Will not print. Not Without Proof. "

'You sure you cared about when to printed proof That I Had an affair with a seal. "

'That Was a typo. We Meant a SEAL. "

'Oh, really? And what about That Time Manipulated you ran a photo of me? "

We Did not Have the money to pay for manipulation, so I WAS offended.

'We Do not Do That. "

'Really? Then When did you get a picture of me with no make-up? " Oh, now I Remembered. I Had Looked like the lovechild of a turtle and a bat. I Could not repress a giggle.

'We Both Know That Was not Manipulated one at all. "

'It was! "

He frowned again and I Laugh.

'No, you just look Like That. It does Explain why you cover up your mirrorsUntil noon, though. "

'I look as pristine as water as soon as I get up. Genetically I'm blessed. "

'Yeah, and your slim figure is made of cheeseburgers. I'm your nemesis, celebrity boy, and I know all your dirty secrets, so You Better Not
annoy me. "

I cocked His Head and Smile.

'I have no dirty secrets. I'm shameless, What can you say? "

'Too bad. Dirty Secrets Are fun, do not you think? "

'Then Could you help me make some? "

I Shrugged. He WAS hot, I Had no standards and it Was a slow day.

'There's a broom closet over there, But Probably Your Majesty is too dignified for That. "

I snorted.

'Call Me When You Can Outmanatch Akanishi, paper boy. " Laugh and

I Went back to work. Sadly, except for the facts That WAS annoyed Ninomiya They Were not Able to book Ken Miyake, a stuntman
Retiring, Kamenashi Spent Practicing lunch lines and Matsumoto historical historical liked tea with three spoons of sugar, I Was Able to get
anything. ***

Third day of undercover news and not interesting at all. Nakamaru WAS about to Admit defeat But wanted to Give it one more try. I Thought That I Could maybe find a tax fraud scandal or a murder plot Could land at my feet. I WAS, to say the least, incredulous.

I sighed, left the magazine's headquarters and dragged my feet to my car. I Had Already Rented the cosTume For That Day, so what the hell, I Could go there one more time.

I Must say I WAS the hottest make-up artist in the whole building, modesty Be Damned. My legs Were Positively delicious and my strut
stomped on men's ... hearts.

Had I failed to Consider, pero, Akanishi That WAS still on set. As I tried to make Yamashita's eyes a little more alive - and failed miserably
-Japan's Official Horndog, WAS Approaching like a missile. I Had a target and I Was it.

As I saw him get closer and closer in the mirror, my unsteady hands Grew. I ended up turning Yamashita Into a panda. But Since He Was Turned wrestler playing to form vigilante, the director complimented me.

Nervous as I Was, I Was not ready to itcape. I had a mission as well - I Had to save a Struggling tabloid
Without getting sued for libel! Then

Destiny, for eleven, Gave me a good hand. Akanishi On Some wire and tripped Fell down face first. The crash sounds like
Had I broken all the bones on His body. I smirk and Looked over my shoulder with a flirty smile only to Be amazed by the sight. Had not I only tripped
: I WAS sitting on the floor and looking at a spotlight Apparently That Had missed him by inches. Yamashita
sprung from His seat and ran over to His friend.

'Jin-man! Are you okay? "

'Pink-dude! I Almost Died! "

'I know! "


'For real! "

'Strange! "


I hid behind a sleeping technician and started to take Some pictures. I also tried to block Their inane dialogue drilling
But It Kept my ears. I glanced over and saw to Ninomiya Such frustration Almost That I pitied him. Given What I Knew about historical
insane tactics, Including But Not limited to shady yakuza Dealings, PACTS and demonic idol mongering, 'Almost' was the operative word. Matsumoto
WAS Leaving in a huff and Threatening to never come back again. This Was the Exact Same Way in Which Had historical quit acting career. Stress always got to him and Any little setback Became a catastrophe.

'OK! That's it! Shut up, Both of you! " Kamenashi

Had Appeared on intent and WAS todayly working on the film. I Laugh At His delusion.

'But Kame-boy! I Almost Died Today. I'm shaking, see? "

I LIFT to non-trembling hand And Then laughed. Kame

wasn't amused.

'Look, you May NOT care about your career, But I Do. "

'You care about my career? That's so nice of you. "
'I care about mine, Akanishi. I want it to Reach the next level. Your Are Not hijinks going to set me back. " 'They Were not mine! "

'You're not Taking this as Seriously as You Should! You show up late, flirt all the time and do not even know your lines. "

'You're Always the same, Kamenashi. This movie sucks anyways, Why Should I Worry? " It Was the

truth and truth stings like a bitch. Kamenashi WAS livid and I felt sorry Had His bubble burst. After all, dreaming of bigger Things is admirable, although stupid and naïve. I Was Starting to think Kamenashi That Might Have Been Tarnished by Not yet What we call 'reality'. Maybe His earnest attitude real WAS. Actually I liked Maybe His own movies and that's why I WAS so set on this one.

You Could Have Heard a squirrel's Following the steps in silence. A squirrel ballerina, at That. Kame

Wait Until we all felt trapped in a bubblegum of awkwardness and Then, as I Threw His Hands in the air, utter the immortal words
That Any producer dreads:

'I quit. " ***

In thand ensuing chaos, I slipped away. I lit a cigarette and slowly made my way Towards my car back.

'Damn it! Stupid car! " Nearby

, Kamenashi fighting an uphill battle WAS Against His car's door. If I had to compare historical to mine, my Paparazzimobile
Was a barnyard cat - ugly, old and temperamental - and historical Was An Abyssinian fed with truffles.

'Wow, star boy. Are you sure it's your car? "
I Took a minute to answer and I inwardly laughed.

'Yes. Now fuck off. "

When a person is angry, They blabber. Things blurted And fed me, so I bore His annoyance like a Knight Templar.

'It Was a hard day, wasn't it? " Butter

up an actor and he'll Deliver. The wisdom of the ageswrapped in the cynicism of today.
'Absolutely! Akanishi Jin has no decorum at all. He's Such an Unpleasant man. " This guy

Had no sense of camaraderie. Understood now why I've Spent the breaks sleeping or reading self-help books.

'That's why you Slept with him. "

A shot in the dark. A Fairly easy one to make and one that'd historical ruffle feathers. Annoying the guy WAS the best I Had Had fun in ages.
I Waved His hand as if It Was Some harsh rebuttal.

'No, I Slept with him Because I Was Temporarily insane. "

'So It Was not Because Of The Rumours regarding his ... Ability acting? "

'Those Are Severely exaggerated reports. He does know A Few acting tricks, though. " Sp

icy and bitchy, Exactly how I like my news. And my coffee.

'Can I print that? "

'No, it's all Strictly off the record. I Might Be trampled by His fans if I dare confess the truth. "
Who cares about truth anyway? This industry is all good lighting and excellent make-up, after all.

'And Without attribution? Can I print it like that? "

He shook His Head 'no'.

'Fans Have friends in high places. Then they'll find out and kill me. I do not want to get Killed. "

'Then why did you sign up for this movie? "
'Because I'm crazy, of course. "

'Quitting So are you really? "

I frowned.

'Ninomiya-san is very persuasive. "

. As I did not know about What Had Happened to poor young Chinen Yuuri. 'Who did I Threaten? "
'My grandmother. I Believe I Can not Even Knows Where She Lives. She's from the country and she ... "

'Star boy, I knows everything."

That I Had Learnt the hard way and Without Even Knowing the guy.

'So I told me I Can not Have Quitting me, Especially after I Did not get Miyake. I'm glad I Did not, though. "

I wasn't. Miyake Had Been Involved in a very public confrontation regarding the quality of one of Yamashita's action movies
everyone Knew That WAS in fact-about a girl. It's always about a girl. The drama Could Have Been delicious and palpable, pero
someone Had Beensensitive. I Hated sensibility.
'Oh, What Happened With That? They did hire somebody else? "

'I Call An old friend of his, But His plan to impress Some high level suit is failing. "

'Who's that high level suit? "

'Something Nagano. I Came down to the set today. "

Wow. Nagano That If It Was, It Was the magazine Could use news. The job wasn't going so Badly after all.

'Oh, really? Hiroshi Nagano? Why did I eat? Are you behind schedule? " I punched historical


'Have You Seen Our Director? "

'Actually, no, I have not. "

'That Does not answer your question? "


"Oh." Kamenashi

Took My Astonishment as encouragement "and ran off with it. I Kept a lot of bitterness hidden. Well, I just Kept a lot of bitterness.

'He's Ninomiya's boyfriend, if you ask me. Come on, have failed to show up in the first day Because He Was out fishing! And Ninomiya
just laughed. I do not know what's so great about the guy, really. "

I Was getting sick of historical rants. In FACT, WAS rant all I did. It Was impossible to Have a normal conversation with him it
Without Turning Into a bitchfest.

However, The Fact That He Was not the patient, I always played man Understanding WAS refreshing.

'So, do you want the ride or not? "

His door Open and I got Into His Car. Then I

Lower the window.

'Maybe Some Other Day, paper boy. See you and stop snooping around! " I

leaner over historical window and winning smile Smile.

'It's my job. "
'No, you just want to see me, so stop it or I'll tell Ninomiya. "
'Okay, okay. But do not feel bad When I do show up. " I rolled

His Eyes, closed the window and Drove off. There I Stood like a penguin in a Chinese restaurant and Then Went to my car, thinking up excuses for Nakamaru. ***

The next day, I sat Nakamaru to the set Along Our trusted janitor, Taguchi. That Was a rising storm in September and
Our magazine Needed to get the scoop or else we Would go under. After all, There AreSo Many Scandals infidelity only You Can So Many milk and dating Rumours
You Can Make Up Before You Need current real dirt on people. And if half of the Rumours about Johnny's Studio's barely legal tactics Were true, Could we mine enough information for a libel lawsuit that'd Give us much publicity Needed. Or at least an inordinate Amount of money shush That Could we put to good use. I Was Already Imagining current air-conditioning in the office. And maybe events offices, plural. Taguchi

WAS excited and Thought That This Was His breakthrough to the competitive world of Investigative Journalism. I like the smell of freshly baked hope - and even more, the moldy smell of crushed dreams - so I let him be. I'm Kind Like That.

I Was out of ideas for creative costumes, so we jump up for more Conventional stalking instead. Taguchi got Into
using my old janitor costume and, amusingly, Did not look like a janitor at all. The only reason I HAD to bring him Accepted WAS Along Because He Had a nasty left hook

I tried to get Into the set, But the security guards Were Not That stupid. They Did not Buy That I Was the make-up artist's brother and
I Did not Have Another costume so only got in Taguchi. Sadly, all I Could Do WAS stay alone in a tiny, smelly car, chain-smoking and
Trying hard to ignore The Fact That My Life Was the leftovers of youth. I just wanted the chance to do something, Even if it WAS only Creating The Most amazing headline in the history of journalism. I Had Already

Starting Taguchi fallen asleep when to knocking on the door. I let him in.

'You will not believe this! "

I WAS excited, But I Had seen him excited over pastries I Had never eaten before.

'I will not believe what? "

'Akanishi Jin WAS Almost Killed. " Was

Taguchi stupid or did I think I was?

Damn it. I Want to be in a film noir, NOT in a buddy cop comedy.

'That Was Yesterday's news. "

I Grabbed me by the shoulders.

'Again. "


'His lunch WAS poisoned. Then make up historical WAS poisoned as well. He Was Rushed to the ER, But Apparently It Was Nothing Serious. "

I Turn on the car.

'TAguchi, let me buy you a beer. "

I WAS puzzled.

'But We Have not Been Paid lunch and I Bought you today. Are you sure you Can Afford it? "

'Are Those just details! This one is the big one, Taguchi. Let's celebrate! "

Next morning, a rabid dog somehow got Into the set and Almost bit Akanishi. Düring

lunchtime, a technician Had Seen Before nobody hit him with a microphone.

Then, a Shinto priest tried to run him over with a '91 Toyota Corolla. That Same night, a teenage girl tried to strangle him
Outside a nightclub.
By the end of the week, Akanishi Had Been the victim of poisoning Attempts five (two of them to be by an opera singer I Had Scorned), thirty fOur close calls INVOLVING Household items, six stabbing incidents luckily That Almost Were not major and twelve lethal car accidents. Also, wild animals loose Had Several tried to maim, or just bite Generally hurt him.

It Was Starting To Be Slightly suspicious. ***

When the next week started, I Had Already Decided to uncover the mysterious and Repeat Attempts on Akanishi Jin's life. While I have never done anything
Had good for the world, Had I never done anything wrong Particularly Either the Amount of bitterness and the culprit
WAS Had Disturbing. Beside

, Was There a Better Than
headline 'Plucky journalist solves puzzling case! "

MLXC This time, I skipped the costume and just got the set by Into The Most Useful using stealth technique: walk like you own the place. Taguchi
follow me cowering in fear.

'It's Dangerous! What if the killer decide to attack us? "

I WAS going to die first. Those Are The Dangers of Being comic relief.

'Why Would I do that? "

'We are the heroes and killers What is Attacking heroes do. "

'We're not heroes; Our intentions Are not Exactly pure and clear. "

'Are not They? "

I cursed under my breath. I Might Have Been freakishly strong, But I Was in the boxing club in high school and Did not Need him at all.
I Could knock out a dragon and Have enough timand to run away Before It Recovered, so the janitor not was NECESSARY.

I faced him and Waved a finger at him.

'Look, we're here to look for clues regarding the Akanishi Affair. If you see anything strange, tell me and Do Not interfere. I repeat, Do Not interferes

. "

'And What do I do if Akanishi is in danger? "

'Rising star is Killed

is a headline Better Than Idiotic Janitor
Star Dies Saving
, so let him save Himself. "

'How can you say that?! Journalists are here to make the world a Better Place to unveil hidden Truths and keep an eye on Politicians, Not
Rumours shameful to dig for or profit from scandal. "

I Look at him Without quite technical understanding. Was the guy for real?

'Ok, Then Be a hero if you want. Just let me know Before hand and I'll Take Some pictures. " I bit historical

lip And Then huffed, But Did not press the point.

'Let's separate. You go ask the Other Employees, I'll check with the actors. "

I Knew That My aura of success Would scare the not so lucky ones Into Silence, It Was Better so if I sat Taguchi. Well, maybe I just
Did not want my classmates from film school, now doing menial work, to find out as much of I Was a loser as They Were.

I Decided to go talk with the actors and maybe talk a little bit with Ninomiya. That I wasn't scary. Akanishi
historical hiding in dressing room and Yamashita Answeredthe door. 'Our Lives Are in Danger, man. Sorry. "

'But I'm just ...'

Akanishi strode across the room and Open the door. I Pointed at me.

'Dude. I totally saw you the other day with Kamenashi in the parking lot. Are you His minion? "
The guy WAS in a high paranoia. It wasn't unexpected.
'Kamenashi have minions now? "

I Nodder.

'He hates me! I Must Be behind this! Get away from me! " Yamashita

historical rolled eyes - Was That a dash of intelligence? - And closed the door.

The rest of the cast WAS Equally suspicious of me and my cover and I got nothing.

Apparently, actors and make-up artists' siblings don't talkThat much. Taguchi and Stock

'Sorry! They Were not talking. "

'I did not see you around. Where Were You? "

I Shrugged.

'I got lost. You see, There's a hallway. It leads outside, to the parking lot. I Was hungry, so I jump up to find something to eat. But
When I tried to come back, I Could not find the set. " I barely Avoided
strangling him.
'Look, There's only one person left. Let me take this one, ok? "

'Then I get a beer? " Next time Nakamaru
Asked Strategies for saving money, my only suggestion WAS going to Be 'Fire the janitor. "
I made my way across the studio, standing Until I Was Before adoor with a huge, huge star on it. I snorted and Open it. Kamenashi
Was Sleeping in a make-shift bed, cover with His own jacket. The lilies Were Starting to wither and I Had
put up more posters. Mifune. Eastwood. Hepburn - Both of Them. Even Bogart. At least, I've Had good taste and a lot of ambition.

I cleared my throat and Wait Until I've done I wasn't alone.

'What the fuck are you doing here, paper boy? "

I Grabbed a chair and sat down.

'Asking uncomfortable questions. Are you Trying to kill Akanishi? "

historical and Turner I rolled back on me.

'Go away. I need my beauty sleep. "

I ruffled my hair.

'Come on, just some questions. "

I sat up and faced me.

'No, I'm Not Trying to kill him. If I were, I Would not fail. Satisfied? "

He was my best hope and I Was Starting to feel sorry for the guy.

'No. I need your help. "

'What for? "

'I need you Some questions to ask. "

I sighed.

'You're not a detective. Who're an overworked photographer ought to leave Before I call security. "
Had I left only one more card But It Was a winning one.

'OK, But you do realize everybody Believe You're behind this, do not you? "

His jacket slid off.

'What? Are They Crazy? "

'You do not speak with Any of your cast mates, do you? " CH
TMLXC Suddenly I Did not Pick it up and look back at me.

'There's no need. "

I Had the emotional maturity of a 12 year-old. Luckily for him, so did everybody else on set.

'They all believe you're Some psycho. Or a Woman Scorned. "

'It Was a one-night stand, no big deal. That I can not believe they're stupid. "

'If you want to clear your name, help me out! "

I Stood up and started pacing around the room. I cared. As much as I played the cold-blooded diva, I WAS scared and hurt and He Was Such a bad actor I Could not hide it.

'And Then what? You run the story and I look like a fool? " 'No! You talk to your agent, the magazine runs a story about Then the CHTMeddling MLXC Star That Saved
Akanishi Jin. Great publicity,
for Both you and the movie. And your image will Be Better than before. "

'It's a bad idea to get Involved with your kind. "

I Had a point.

'You Must Be curious, at least. "

'Yes, I am but I'll wait for the police to solve this. "

It Was a lost cause.

'Well, I'll leave you my number. Just in case. "

I scribbled my number in a napkin and Gave it to him.

For a second, I believe I WAS going to throw it out, But I put it in His pocket with the faint hint of a smile.

'See you,' I Said while locking the door.

'You're a pest. " Sweetest

gu ever. ***

I Was sure he'd take the bait and when my cell phone rang around midnight That Same Day, I Knew I Had Been right. I let it ring a FEW times, just to make him twitch.

'Hi, paper boy,' I Said When I finally pick up.

I tried to sound cheerful and Not hungover. Taguchi Had the alcohol tolerance of an ox.

'Hi. So you've Decided to COOPERATE? "

'No, I just saw Something weird and I Thought I'll help you out. "

'Out of the goodness of your heart? "

'Nah. Your magazine has Some photos I'd Rather see Destroyed. I tell you what i know, you burn Them. "

'That's not a fair trade. " CHTML
XC 'Oh, I Assure you it is. My information is very valuable. "

'And I only Have your word on it. Sorry, NOT BUYING it. "

'What do i have to do to get you to destroy Them? "

'Help me out. Let me take you to dinner. Your choice. "

'I'm not your snarky Love Interest in this movie. "

'Well, you're snarky and you're interested. Close enough. "

have ignored my comments and jump up on.

'So what do you want me to do, Then? "
'Just ask questions. Keep an eye on the set. Talk with your inside connections. "
'I have no contacts. "

'Oh, really? Then how did you Become a star? Luck?

Talent? "

'OK, I do Have Some withnections, But I Doubt They know much. "

'Trying is a free action. So if you try, you lose nothing. "

'OK, OK. I'll See What I Can Do And Then we'll meet. "

'So you accept my ...?'

He cut me off. This guy WAS the MOST fun yet boring person I've ever met.

'Strictly business. "

'You're Such a bore. "

'No, I'm smart, paper boy. See you. "

We met in a bar. It Was packed and I Had to make my way across the people, the smoke and the blaring music. I WAS sitting in the back, Surrounded By Some Girls That Look dumb and drunk, a bunch of bodyguards and two hip, chic up-and-coming actors.
'Paper Boy. "
'Kamenashi-san. "

'Let's discuss this in private,' He Said while waving a hand. His little entourage

dissipated and I sat down next to him.

'So, did you get anything? " WAS subtleness


'Maybe. Do you want Something to drink? "

'No, thanks. What did you find out? "

'Not much, But There's Something That Really Stood out,' I Said Before a melodramatic pause. 'All the people involved
Are or Have Been on the studio's payroll. "

'You're fucking kidding me. "

'No, I'm not. "

'What does a studio need a Shinto priest for? "

I Shrugged.

'I Was a consultant for a biopic. "

'Oh, I see. "

I did not see it at all, But I wasn't about to delve Into the topic.

'So now go destroy the pictures. "

'Ha You're funny. "

'Some I pulled strings for you, so you Better pay me back. "

'I owe you dinner, thank you, and goodbye. "

I Stood up and tried to go to the exit, pero historical Were three burly bodyguards blocking my way out. They Were workshop just inches than me. I Could Take Them out with my hands tied behind my back.

'Destroy. The. Photos, 'he hissed.

The bodyguards got closer.

Well, with one hand tied to my back.

'I. Will. Not. Not Until You Give Me Something more judgments or final. "

'It's great information and you know it. Keep your side of the deal, will you? "

'Or what? "

'Or Not Even the stupid janitor Will Be Able to get you out of this. "

'Oh, really? "

Fifteen Minutes Later, I Was kissing the sidewalk.

At the very least, I had a lead. Either an inside job - a pissed off executive, Some Scorned wife - or Even Worse, an Elaborate set-up with the Consent of everybody Involved.

I Went back home and sat down in my couch. I wasn't really sure of how to continue.

'Damn it. " My only contact

WAS Kamenashi. I HAD to call him again. Before I started talking I Could hang up.

'Hi, sorry, I'll destroy if you do me ThemOne Last Favour. "

'Are you a masochist? "

'Maybe. Can you send me more Detailed Information? Like how and when and why They Were employed? "

Did I say anything for about a minute, as if talking on the phone WAS for free.

'You'll destroy the pictures? "

'Yeah, I will. Tomorrow. "

'I need a guarantee. "

'Your bodyguards just beat me to a pulp. If I break my promise, They Are free to do it again. "

'OK, OK. I'll send the information. With one of my bodyguards. Tomorrow, to the magazine. " When the bodyguard

Eichmann up the next day, Nakamaru wasn't amused, But I WAS smart enough to shut up. My face WAS enough encouragement ".

A day and three liters of coffee Later, I Was sitting in the middle of my living room Surrounded by the Employment
history of about thirty people. Had I only managed to discover one common thread - Junichi Okada, a lawyer in charge of all Their Contracts. I Had not Been Able
to find out anything about the guy. He Did not show up at parties nightclubs normal, not normal enemies Known friend. Just the perfect lawyer.

I Was Lost and if all the mystery movies I Had watched and all the detective novels I read Had Were Right, this situation call for
only one solution - trespassing. I Called

Taguchi and two Hours Later, We Were in front of Johnny's Entertainment. Taguchi WAS bouncing around like Some clown on speed.
'WhatHappened to your face? " I asked.

'I fell. "

'It looks bad. "

He poked me. I wince.

'Look, we're searching ... Stop Doing That. "


'So, as I Was Saying, we're looking for Okada's ... I Told you to stop. "


'Okada's office. Once we're there, we Need to look for clues. Are we clear on that? "

He Was impatient. Maybe I wanted to go to the bathroom.

'Yeah, yeah. Separate Shall we? "

Thankfully, I Gave me the excuse to leave him behind Before I Had to invent one.

'It'll be better. We'll cover more ground. "

He Smiles and Climb the fence. However small brain historical might Have Been, I WAS agile and useful.

I sighed with relief when i found myself alone and in the middle of an empty building. There Were A Few security guards, pero i have good Reflexes and Avoid Them with success. Junichi Okada

. The door WAS
clear: I Had Reached my destination.

'Yay. "

I Pick the lock and Entered Into a cramped, small office. I HAD hoped to find piles of paper, But the world wasn't enough
noir feeling and I Had to turn on the computer. Thankfully, the guy had a great archiving system and it wasn't hard at all to find a suspicious folder named 'Operation Darling', full of memos by a guy named Sakamoto. I hastily copied Them And Then ran away. I found Taguchi

at the entrance, Already sitting in the driver's seat and ready to give me a ride home. I did not even ask What He Had

When I woke up the next morning, I Had 35 unread messages and They Were all Nakamaru's. I WAS denying Any association with me, pre-emptively
. I figured him Taguchi Had Told About Our midnight romp.

I got up and Had a shower. Kept getting the whole thing and Sillies Sillies. Had I gone-through all the files, But They Were Apparently Ken Miyake planning to throw a retirement party. Which Was a little bit ridiculous, considering I Was Just A Few Years Older than me.

Had I tried to see if There Was Some Underlying code But I Had failed. I wasn't surprised - I can not solve a Sudoku puzzle events -But it still bugged me. Jin Akanishi Could not Have That Many enemies. Sometimes I Could Be irresponsible and historical movies Were the kind of comedy you watch when you're stoned But I Had a likeable quality about him. I WAS like a kitty. A drunken, sleepless
Had Kept That kitty cuteness ITS nevertheless. So maybe the

clues and Okada Were not was wrong at all Involved in the string of Almost Crimes, But That Would Have Meant That Kamenashi Was a lying liar. I do not like Being scammed, But It Was A Possibility very real.

'Whatever. " Gathered

my courage and I Gave him a call. I still Owed him dinner, after all.

*** We met

A Few Hours Later at Some hot spot, a chic nThat restaurant sold ew 'Grilled meat grinded rounded' INSTEAD OF
burgers and charged you accordingly.

'You were wrong,' I Said as soon as I sat down.

'I'm never wrong. "

'Look, it WAS just a coincidence. You're just feeding me bullshit to get me to destroy the photos. "

I stopped sipping from historical margarita.

'So who's Trying To Kill Akanishi, Then? Fairies? "

'I Probably fucked one and kicked her out of bed. " In

That instant, Kamenashi got a call That changed Our Lives. Or at least That month.


'What happened? Akanishi ran out of luck? "

'No. I did. My apartment just blew up, 'He Said, still staring at the phone.

I gaped.

'You're kidding. "

'I'm not. Bodyguards Are Not known as jokesters and one of Them That just told me my apartment was just blown up. " Some people

Might Have seen a tragedy, But I saw an opening.

'Well. Do you have a place to stay? " I rolled

His Eyes. 'No, but I'm not going to the hole you call home. "

'Hey! It's clean. Sometimes. "

'Yeah, sure. If it as clean as your shirt is, I'm screwed. " My shirt WAS

stainless. He Was bluffing.

'Oh, You're Not getting screwed yet, But We Can Arrange Something. "

'Do not you get tired of that? "

'Of what? "

'Higyou, sir. "

'Aw. Then What do we do? Play Charades? "

Then I stole my pillow.

'No, we sleep. "

'You're the MOST boring person on Earth. "

'I prefer to heal. "
'No, sane people like sex. You're just boring. "
His eyes rolled and I changed the subject.

'Is There a store close by? I need a smoke. "

'There's one around the corner. Want company? "

'You'll only get annoying if I refuse. " I did

shopping fast and decidedly historical, But I Had A Lot of Things to replace. I Waited Outside and WAS not surprised to see colleagues of mine. Kamenashi's legendary stealth Abilities Were, But This Was flabbergasting. Had I managed toget to my place with nobody Following him? He Was Smarter Than I Gave him credit for.

While I was meditating on the immortality of paparazzi and crabs, Kamenashi got out of the store and started walking back to my place. He Did not wait for me.

'Hey, wait! "

We Walked in silence. My Street WAS dimly lit and Kamenashi got a little closer. It Had To Be fear, Because It Could not Be subtle flirting. Kamenashi and I did not do subtle.

'So ... what's for dinner? "

It Was a stupid question. It was my place. Knew I WAS for take-out dinner.

I held a bag in front of my face.


'Do We Have to heat it? Because my microwave is dead. "

'That Does not surprise me at all. "

Thinking back on it, seeing the car speeding Was a miracle. Even if my conscious mind WAS Engaged in flirting, my lizard brain
Tapped Into Humanity's Survival Instincts forgotten. I Jumped at him with the strength of all my stupidity and rashness. We landed on the sidewalk
, Quickly got up and started running to my place, Not bothering to look back. When we got there, I closed the door as if Bigfoot WAS
us behind with an ax. We

Regained Our breath slowly leaning against the door.

'You okay? "

'Why did you do that? "

I glanced aside.

'I did not think. "

'That much is Obvious. "

'You can not say thanks? " CHTML
Himself XC I let slide down to the floor. I Followed His example.


'That's better. So, can I top? "

'You take the couch. Idiot. "

I did not take that one to heart. Could I see him smiling in the mirror.

'Now, take off your clothes. "

'I Told You ...'

'I want to see if you're hurt, idiot. "

'That I can check myself. "

I always Had A Tendency to underestimate a person's intelligence. Himself

I locked in the bathroom while I Look at myself in the mirror. Thankfully, we where just Bruised But the fright Had Been startling. This Was getting

Serious And That We Were Meant only going in the right direction.

Around 2 AM, a noise startled me. Kamenashi WAS rummaging-through my stuff.
'Bastard,' I muttered and intended to sleep until i WAS WAS sure historical guard down.

I jump off the bed and Grabbed him. I Was An evil ... an evil raccoon. That stole kids' ice-cream.

"Spill it. What the fuck Were you looking for? "


'You're a bad actor. "

Understatement of the century.

'Okay, I wanted to See What You Had found out. "

I let him go.

'This Was the reason you came here, wasn't it? You're my main suspect now. You Probably events blew up your own place.
Or maybe it WAS all a lie. "

Of course, the best course of action when you're alone with your main suspect is to let him know of your suspicion.

'You saw the news, so you know it really blew up. "

I Grabbed my head in frustration.

'Did you get the message? We Need to stay away from this. "

'They Are targeting me now! I Want to Know Who They Are! "

'cinema lovers They're Probably just upset with your success and Apparent Lack of talent. "

I pout. The bastard pout.

'That's not it. It's the studio. Maybe They Have Life Insurance Policies for us and Need the cash. "

'Or maybe it's all a publicity stunt. "

'Oh, come on. My life is worth more Than a publicity stunt. " Stu

nt. Oh, damn.

'Wait. I think I know what's happening. I Just Need to think about it. "

'That makes me feel reassure. "

'Enough with the sarcasm. "

'Wow. "

'Can not you follow simple instructions'? "

'My modeling Days Are Over. "
'Look, all you do is Have to Wait Until morning, ok? I'll show you then. I just want to sleep now. My brain is not working well. We're shaken and scared. Let's sleep. "

I was way more sensible Than I Had hoped. Emotional Growth, as my mother always Called It, Was Never one of my strong points. But I Was the mature one in the situation, sincere Kamenashi Was Just a bunch of Nerve.

'I'm Not Having Sex With You. " Did I

Such come off as a lecherous bastard?

'They Were jokes. Do not take it Seriously. "

Somehow, I doubter He Was Able to Do That.

I Might Have Been a jittery thespian, pero Kamenashi Could Make sure coffee. We sat down

in front of my computer, I Showed him the files and wait.

'I do not see it,' He Said after ten minutes of awkward silence That I Spent dozing off.

'Miyake's a stuntman! Get it? "


'It's a stunt! They Needed him to plan the incidents, but ... You know, I'll go talk to somebody I know. You just stay here and Do not do anything crazy. "

I Thought I Was the Crazy One. That much WAS clear.

'Okay... '

'Call your bodyguards if you feel lonely, will you? "

I Threw me a pillow Before I left.

On to Part 2


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