Title: Toast is overrated
Fandom: Gokusen (drama)
Pairing: Sawada Shin / Yamaguchi Kumiko
Wordcount : 680
Summary: If Life Was the kind of movie that's Oscar bait - epic, bleak and depressing - I Would Have come back from Africa a broken man. He hasn't seen nice stuff and Some Are sewn on historical scenes eyeballs, But he's far from broken. He's Learnt how to fix houses and how to build schools.
Notes: Written for Yuletide.
If life Was the kind of movie that's Oscar bait - epic, bleak and depressing - I Would Have come back from Africa a broken man. He hasn't seen nice stuff and Some scenes Are sewn on his eyeballs, But he's far from broken. He's Learnt how to fix houses and how to build schools.
He's full of energy and Yankumi can see That as soon as I Appears Before Her. He's leaning against a door frame and wearing an expensive suit. His arrogant smile Lacks all the self-doubt it Used to Contain and she barely Refrains from jumping at him and Giving him the hug of the century. She tells herself
is Because he'd find it embarrassing.
*** If life Was An inspirational movie - the kind That has teachers on it - her students Would Be a bunch of unfits and a gallery of hot topic issues. But Are They for the first time in ages, is teaching Yankumi girls.
Girls That bully. That Make Bad GirlsFalling Into You Yankumi Some flight of stairs down or a fake pregnancy. Instead, the girls soon start making comments in class and uncomfortable giggling Any Time They see 'Sawada-sensei. "
Yankumi Does not Know whether to feel bullied or flatterer.
*** If life Was a slapstick comedy - and Apparently, Yankumi's is - Would students her fateful Arrange meetings lunches and romantic. Themselves they'd start putting in danger just to Give Shin excuses to save the day - Even if it ends with Yankumi saving Mostly it INSTEAD -. They do
. Does Yankumi
*** If life Was a Jane Austen book - snark, balls and social commentary - they'd get together after months of misunderstandings and misdirection. Their Relationship Would grow slowly, filled with jokes and inner changes. She'd pretend to like somebody else first and I Would not know why it bothers him.
Yankumi 'falls in love' with a stranger - another teacher, Another cop - Shin But does know. He knows and Then He acts.
*** If life Was a Hollywood movie - the good kind, the kind with brand new Classic Stars and Technicolor - Would the sunset fill the screen, they'd be alone and the violins' Would melodies surround Them.
Instead, they're hiding in the school gym, the footsteps of Yankumi's students Are Getting dangerously close and There's no soundtrack to be found.
She Does not Care. It's the best kiss she has ever had. CHT
*** If life MLXC
Was a porn movie - with bad production values and groan-worthy puns - they'd Be perfect and nobody Would Fall break off beds or lamps.
Instead, it's oddly comfortable, more giggles Yankumi and Shin Than Should she drops the 'experiment lead man' act quickly.
It's perfect in Its Own Way. ***
If Were A shoujo manga life - and if she Was a high-school student - she'd Be running with a toast in her mouth and Then she'd run into the love of her life and fall on top of him.
For the first time in months, she CAN stay in bed and she Would, if she Were not full of energy any day, Any time. She gets up, cleans her teeth, to the mirror and smiles Then you realize he's still in her bed.
I lazily drags one arm from below-the-sheets and waves to her.
It isn't a shoujo manga, pero, after all, toast is overrated.
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