Monday, August 10, 2009

Gum Infection More Condition_symptoms [JE Fandom] Be with you [The Butterfly Remix]

Title: Be with you [The Butterfly Remix] Fandom: JE fandom [Arashi] Original Story: (Probably) The Most Pointless Day Of The Year by [info] saturn_necklace Pairing: Arashi ; Ohmiya Summary It's Valentine's Day, Ohno's gone out and His mother hates it. Genre: Character death, angst Wordcount: 705 Notes: This remix has More Than One part. In order to read The Other Ones, You Have to click the hearts! Click Themes in order or randomly! I've gone out and when to the night goes on and I still hasn't returned, she Begins to worry. I ’ s Not The Most aware person and Every Time I leaves the safety of His studio, she can not stop looking at the clock. He's Probably at regular historical bar, But That Does not stop the worry. Nothing stops the worry. Because you've Always Been Satoshi special, and unironically Both sarcastically. Their teachers always lost patience with him Because He Followed His Own Pace and Was Never remove in the classroom. I have a world of His own and she's one of the Few guests There. She can not deny she's proud of it. I Might Be a little of a momma's boy, But That Does not Mean That His talents will never shine And That nobody else will Recognize Them. I is talented and if she'sthe only one who's Noticed it's Solely Because He's Not That Good at marketing. She'd take care of it, But Nobody Would Believe His mother. So she Sits in the living room, watching her bunny slippers and Generally Just Being bored out of her mind. The Sacrifice of motherhood, she muses. She Would not Have it Any Other Way. She loves her stupid, silly boy and she loves him enough to atone for Any of His late nights out. He'd Be Lost Without Her and It Keeps her awake at night And Then She Feels silly and pathetic. Nothing will Happen to her, Not Until she has taken care of stuff. That the world Would not Be Unfair, Would it? But it is, Sadly, and she knows it and she knows Almost Exactly When She's going to leave him alone. She Has not Told him, Obviously, and she will not, Simply Because There's Nothing That Can Be Done and Satoshi will try to Do Something and action've Never Been His forte. When she hears fumbling at the door, she runs Towards it. Her hand stops at the handle When He Hears Another Voice. It'sa male voice. She Does not Even Breathe for a moment, she Until you realize she's not surprised. She's not an idiot and, no matter how much she tried to deny it, she's seen it coming and she's happy he's finally done Something about it. 've Always Been Doing Satoshi's Weakness, after all. So she runs to her bedroom and Close the Door, enjoying Already Satoshi ’ s future embarrassment as Mom cooks breakfast and chitchats with the poor guy that's fallen in the world's Deadliest trap. She has to see if he's worthy first And Then let him in slowly Into Their Lives, Until She Can rest assured and Enjoy What They Have left. She Will not tell him anyway, maybe But She Can share her secret with this guy. If I stays for breakfast. She has a feeling That I will, Because He's Already Noticed Satoshi And That alone shows good taste and keen insight. Además, Satoshi never does this kind of thing and That Means That the stranger también special. Hopefully, he'sa Different Kind of special - a more pragmatic, grounded kind of special. She's Quite sure it'll turn outalright. She'sa good judge of people and just a quick look at historical reactions will Satisfy the next morning all her Doubts. They're coming up the stairs now and just hearing him laugh and giggle with her conciliar The Fact That She'll Never Have grandkids (She Would not Be Able to See Them anyway), But it'sa good trade-off if it Means her are not is going to end up alone. He Needs someone to take care of him and buy him His clothes after she's gone. She's not worried about her daughter-because she Carrie the strength of the family with pride-but She Does not think it's her place to take care of Satoshi after she's gone. It'd Be Unfair and she hates unfairness. She spends the rest of the night Wishing Were not so thin walls and Trying to block the sounds. She cares less Than She Thought She Would, But The future looks bright and brave and endless. The future is going to be great, She Thinks. Even if it has no place for her, it's going to be great.
WAS This entry originally posted at http://riendasuelta . There Please comment using OpenID.


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