Monday, August 10, 2009

P.a.n.d.a.s. More Condition_symptoms [JE Fandom] We are cool [The Best Thing Remix]

Title: We are cool [The Best Thing Remix]
Fandom: JE fandom [Arashi]
Original Story: (Probably) The Most Pointless Day Of The Year by [info] saturn_necklace
Pairing: Arashi ; Ohmiya Summary
scares Both Valentine's Day and Annoys Nino. It's kind of ridiculous That There Has To Be A Day Devoted to Confessing Showing your partner or affection, affection Surely is Something to Be Shown Entire THROUGHOUT the year.
Genre: Fluff , non! AU
Wordcount: 328
Notes: This remix has More Than One part. In order to read The Other Ones, You Have to click the hearts! Click Themes in order or randomly!
And a link to the first part , So You Can Understand how it works.

scares Both Valentine's Day and Annoys Nino. It's kind of ridiculous That There Has To Be A Day Devoted to Confessing Showing your partner or affection, affection Surely is Something to Be Shown Entire THROUGHOUT the year. Even If There Must Be a particular day for being to sickeningly sweet idiot, Originality inspire Should the holiday and Not the Way That cookie cutter everyone FOLLOWS. Each affection, love is special Each and Not all of Them Can Be Expressed with chocolate.

Aiba's love, for example, is Expressed througThat repulsive h concoctions definitive take on a flavor chocolatish around February. Jun's tried to Explain to him Several times That girls Are the ones supposed to Give out chocolate, pero Have Always Been cooking experiments Aiba's Achilles' heel.

Sho-kun's love, Obviously, it is repulsive Those Expressed by eating concoctions and dealing with Jun's Temper Tantrums Not receiving enough chocolate after Himself.

Expressed Jun's love is after all the events when to temper Tantrums, I Remembers to share all the chocolate I've got. He's never happy about it But I does it nevertheless.

Ohno's love, of course, is Expressed in particular Such Ways That CAN NOT only Ninoice. For example, There's how I snuggles him or how I Against Almost stays awake while Nino plays with historical DS. Nino

Does not Really know how it starts. Maybe it's When He kisses the forehead in Ohno and Ohno just gets closer. Maybe It Was Them When I invited for an Anti-Valentine's drinking and partying all the Other three declines. Maybe it's right now, as I caresses Ohno's Thighs or maybe it's When They finally kiss and it's ten times as awesome as I Thought it'd be. Maybe it starts When it ends and Their eyes meet and Nino knows, just knows That this one is forever. Nino's feeling

Ohno's warmth Against His skin right now and he'sstarting to think That, maybe, Valentine's Day Does not suck so much.

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